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A kata for GenServer and some additional infos in README

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This Kata contains some of the heureka i had when using GenServer.


Clone this repo an run mix test till all tests work.


Short list of important points:

  • Starting and initializing a Process.
  • How a Process should fail when initializing.
  • Using PID or name to access Process.
  • Public interface for hiding the messages underneath.
  • Transforming data before/after sending to process.
  • Reducing messages to GenServer to changes of state.
  • Avoiding crashing a GenServer, kill the caller instead.
  • Handling timeouts from client and server side.
  • Destructing a GenServer.

Handle a pid like a object

  • No objects, no processes = just passing data around.
  • Only using objects = passing references to instances around.
  • Only using processes = passing pids of processes around.

Lets skip using objects and stay with pids and data.

But data is not data! Consider this:

  • In OOP there are objects representing data OR objects representing functionality.
  • But some of the functionality objects need internal state to handle data.
  • Example: (new IpCounter(["": 42])).count(ip) where ip is the data to process and ["": 42] is the internal state.

IMHO data has to be divided in "data" and "state". Erlang is providing a wonderful mechanism to do that with state kept in GenServers and data flowing around.

Global naming is a wonderful thing

Remember that "singleton" pattern? Erlang has it!

When a server is named by a well known name like user_auth, others can depend on it. Yet still that server can be replaced by another process that will simply take over that name. So there is no explicit binding for classes or interfaces, just a defined name in the middle.

Naming only if needed

Giving every GenServer a :name may not be needed.

  • Give it a name when its a static service (started at application start)
  • If is a dynamic service (started and running after application start/on demand) ...
    • give it a name if the process needs to be referenced by name (when PID cant be used because of serialization)
    • else using the PID should be working just fine.

Public and Private

Just a simple convention.

  • A function besides init, handle_*, terminate, code_change is considered a public API. They will be sending messages to the GenServer if needed.
  • A function like handle_* should be considered private because messages are a implementation detail. They are answering messages.
  • All defp functions are private by definition.

Caller can do some work too

def work(pid, data) do
    |>{:work, prepare(data)})
    |> finalize

def handle_call({:work, data}, _from, state) do
  {:reply, real_work(data), state}
  • The process invoking work will execute the functions prepare and finalize.
  • The GenServer itself will only execute real_work.

This has quite some advantages:

  • Validate data before sending it to the GenServer.
  • Crash the calling process if needed instead of the GenServer.
  • Moving reductions out of GenServer.
  • Message passing can even more reduced to updating state instead of sending data.
  • Idea is simple: Instead of slowly moving data around, move the Algorithm/State.

Creating a GenServer

The pattern "factory method" does also exist for GenServers. By default init is executed in the process starting the GenServer, which can be seen as a helper for a "factory method". A real "factory method" can be implemented using a own start* function.

GenServer are not having a equivalent for "constructor" inside the newly created process, so a message has to send after start* has returned. Sending this message from init is not possible, because the pid of the new GenServer does not yet exist.

There seems to be a convention, to use the :timeout feature of a genserver, with a timeout=0. This will trigger a handle_info(:timeout, state) immediatly when the process enters the loop and can be used for constructing the process.


Use terminate to close stuff like sockets. But (Re-)Starting should not be done here, that is something outside of the GenServer scope.

Let somebody else reply

A GenServer call can return {:noreply, state} or (let) call GenServer.reply(from, reply).

Why? To the docs!

  • To reply before returning from the callback because the response is known before calling a slow function.
  • To reply after returning from the callback because the response is not yet available.
  • To reply from another process, such as a task.


Returning {:reply, reply, new_state, timeout} is similar to {:reply, reply, new_state} except handle_info(:timeout, new_state) will be called after timeout milliseconds if no messages are received.



// Instantiating = creating and initializing object
my_service = new MyService(init_args)
// Instead of "new", it could be a function like ""
// If that feature is needed, a factory method should be used.
// The "init_args" are processed inside the created objects, so _after_ is was created. 

// Calling method
result = my_service.do_something(42)
// Methods are bound to a Interface (/Class), a abstraction has to be actively added.

// Destructing
my_service = null
// Will call "finalize()"


# Creating a process with given Module, init_args and options for starting.
my_server = GenServer.start_link(MyServer, init_args, options)
# The "start_link" function is a factory for creating new processes.
# Internally "init" will be called to calculate initial state, before the process even exists.
# Running some code after a process is started can be done using the "timeout" hack.
# Why this way? This is the only way to be "sure" that a GenServer will run even before it is really started.

# Calling a function
result = MyServer.do_something(my_service, 42)
# MyServer can run code inside calling process and/or in GenServer via messages.
# There is no coupling using Interfaces (/Classes), "my_service" can be any kind of pid/reference.
# Even a async model can be implemented this way, without a APi change.

# Destructing
GenServer.stop(my_server, :normal, :infinity)
# Will call "terminate", so the GenServer can clean up internal state (sockets, queues, ...)
# There are different types of "deaths" and even a timeout for it. While java is only able to handle afterwards and returning void.


A kata for GenServer and some additional infos in README






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