This is Would You Rather project, Udacity Second Project:
"Would You Rather?" is a web app that lets a user play the “Would You Rather?” game. The game goes like this: A user is asked a question in the form: “Would you rather [option A] or [option B] ?”.
Users will be able to answer questions, see which questions they haven’t answered, see how other people have voted, post questions, and see the ranking of users on the leaderboard.
To get started developing right away:
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
├── - This file.
├── package.json # npm package manager file. It's unlikely that you'll need to modify this.
├── public
│ ├── favicon.ico # React Icon, You may change if you wish.
│ └── index.html # DO NOT MODIFY
└── src
├──actions # Action folder contain all actions
├──components # Component folder contain all components
├──css-circle # Helper folder contain files to draw some circles
├──img #Folder Contain Avatar imgages for the Users
├──midware #Reactjs Middileware Folder
├──reducers #Reducer Folder
├──utils #utilities Folder containt _DATA.js helper file to handel DB transactions
└── bootstrap.min.css # CSS file for Bootstrap
└── index.js # This is the root of your app. Contains static HTML right now.
└── srcnavcss.css #Stype for the Nav Bar for the app
└── srcregisterServiceWorker.js #use less file
## Backend Server
The provided file [`_DATA.js`](utils/_DATA.js) contains the methods to perform necessary operations on the backend:
* `_getUsers()`
* `_getQuestions()`
* `_saveQuestion(question)`
* `_saveQuestionAnswer(object)`