Learning to play Super Mario Bros with AI
Uses gym-super-mario-bros for emulating the game.
- Heuristic Based
- Evolutionary Learning
- Neuroevolution
- Immitation Learning
- Reinforcement Learning (DQN, DDQN, etc)
- MuZero
Addr | Description |
0x071A | Current Screen |
0x071C | Screen offset |
0x0500-0x069F | Tilemap (32 x 13 circular buffer) |
0x04AC-0x04AF | Player hitbox (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
0x04B0-0x04C3 | Enemy hitboxes (x1, y1, x2, y2) x5 |
0x000F-0x0013 | Enemy loaded (0=No, 1=Yes) x5 |