A not exactly Minesweeper Clone made in C using Raylib.
If you are looking for binaries, they may be available at the Github Releases page.
AMC stands for AMC Minesweeper Clone!
- 3 Levels available:
- Beginner [9x9 grid, 10 mines]
- Intermediate [16x16 grid, 40 mines]
- Advanced [30x16 grid, 99 mines]
- Flag/Unflag cells you think have a mine
- Automatically Reveal adjacent cells (chording)
- First cell opened is never a mine
- Reveal All Mines in a Game Over
- Don't open flagged cells (prevent misclicks)
Currently, the game does not check for a Win condition, but is does check for a Lose condition. If a mine is opened, then the mouse clicks will not have effect anymore until a new game is started. Still, it's up to the player to start a new game when opening a mine or winning a game.
- Press
to generate a New Game for the current level - Change the game Level pressing one of the number keys:
set the level to Beginner and generate a new game2
set the level to Intermediate and generate a new game3
set the level to Advanced and generate a new game
- Use the
to Flag/Unflag cells - Use the
to Reveal cells
- Time counter
- Time display
- Flags/Mines counter
- Flags/Mines display
- Game Over screen (reveal all mines)
- Win condition check (all cells with no mine are opened)
- Win screen (display time)
- Create spritesheet
- Use the spritesheet
Make sure you have gcc, git and raylib 5 installed in your system.
sudo pacman -S --needed gcc git raylib
Generate the executable AMC in the project folder. It's up to you to install it in your system or not.
git clone https://github.com/henrimitte/AMC.git
cd AMC/
gcc src/AMC.c -lraylib -lm -o AMC
Make sure you have make installed in your system.
Offers the options to install/uninstall the game.
sudo pacman -S --needed make
git clone https://github.com/henrimitte/AMC.git
cd AMC/
NOTE: executable binary will be at AMC/build/AMC
sudo make install
NOTE: installed at /usr/local/bin
sudo make uninstall