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helgeerbe edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

Automount USB Stick

Precondition is boot to console (booting to Desktop will lead to an automount of usb sticks)

systemd-escape --suffix=mount --path <mountpoint> 

Shows you how to name your systemd files. This naming scheme is important!

My mount point is '/home/pi/Pictures/usb'

systemd-escape --suffix=mount --path /home/pi/Pictures/usb

Create 'sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/home-pi-Pictures-usb.mount'

Description=Mount USB



sda is my usb stick. You can check it with lsblk

Create 'sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/home-pi-Pictures-usb.automount'

Description=Automount USB device

#unmount if longer than 20 sec unavailable


Run sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enable automount sudo systemctl enable home-pi-Pictures-usb.automount and start it sudo systemctl start home-pi-Pictures-usb.automount

If you plug in your stick, a folder under /home/pi/Pictures/usb appears, which contains the data on the stick. If you unplug the stick the 'usb' folder remains, but is not accessible. So every time you plugin a stick, the images would be under the 'usb' folder.

Remark It's important, that the '.mout' service is not enabled. Otherwise the raspbery tries to mount the stick on boot. That is OK, if you plan to use it as a permanent device. But '.automount' needs '.mount'. And for permanent mounted devices, you wouldn't need of course the '.automount' file.

Would be good, if others can test this.