TODO: go through and add CTCI sections for resources
TODO: add images/gifs (?)
TODO: bold 'section titles' (?)
TODO: add pros/cons (?)
TODO: change '(overview)' to 'Overview'
TOOD: change '###' headers to '##'?
TODO: add packages to java examples in README
Below is review material I use to prepare for technical software engineering interviews.
- Big O
- String Buffer
- Array
- ArrayList
- Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Tree
- Graph
- Sorting
- Search
- Divide and Conquer
- Integer Representation
- Java Specifics
- Different steps get added (i.e. a for loop then a different for loop)
- Drop constants, i.e. O(7n) => O(n)
- Different inputs, different variables, i.e. merge(a[], b[]) => O(a*b)
- Drop non-dominate terms, i.e. O(n + n^2) = O(n^2)
O(1) < O(logn) < O(n) < O(nlogn) < O(n2) < O(2n) < O(n!)
- because String is immutable, when concatenating them using '+' have to copy all chars from left and right string
- more efficient concatenation of strings is StringBuffer which maintains itself as a an array of chars behind the scenes, and only produces strings when calling
Java Example
// initialize
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Hello ");
String helloWorld = sb.toString(); // returns "Hello world!"
- lookup (at index): return the element at index n
- insert: insert element at index n, move all elements after index n (to +1 current index)
- delete: remove element at index n, move all elements after index n (to -1 current index)
- append: insert element at end of array
Big O
operation | worst case |
space | O(n) |
lookup | O(1) |
insert | O(n) |
delete | O(n) |
append | O(1) |
Java Example
// initialize
int[] ints = new int[3];
// insert
ints[0] = 1;
ints[1] = 5;
// lookup
int five = ints[1];
- aka dynamic array
- dynamically resizing array (implements List)
- array underlies implementation, and when runs out of space, creates a new underlying array with double capacity, copy all elements to that array
- same as array
Big O
operation | average case | worst case |
space | O(n) | O(n) |
lookup | O(1) | O(1) |
append | O(1) | O(n)* |
insert | O(n) | O(n) |
delete | O(n) | O(n) |
*occurs if underlying array runs out of space
Java Example
// initialize
List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// insert
// lookup
int five = ints.get(1);
// delete
ints.remove(1); // removes (and returns) 5
- sequential list where data is stored in nodes, and each node points to the next node
- start (first node) of linked list is called the head, end (last node) called the tail
- last node (tail) points to null
- Interview Cake (overview)
- CMU Overview
- CMU Java Implementation
- Personal Implementation
- Java Doc (technically a doubly linked list)
- prepend: add item to front of list (point head to new item, point new item to old head)
- append: add item to end of list (point old last item to new item, point tail to new item)
- lookup: find element in list (start at the head and traverse list until the item is found)
- insert: insert element into specified point (could be at an index, could be after some element)
- delete: remove specified item (fist find it, then remove it by pointing the previous items pointer to point to the 'next next' item, aka the deleted item's next item)
Big O
operation | worst case |
space | O(n) |
lookup | O(n) |
prepend | O(1) |
append | O(1)* |
insert | O(n) |
delete | O(n) |
*so long as you keep a reference to tail
, if all you have is a reference to head
then it's O(n)
- adding elements to end and beginning is super fast (O(1))
- removing/retreiving first element (head) is super fast (O(1))
- flexible size
- can't directly access individual elements (no 'random access') - have to traverse list
Java Example
// initialize
List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// prepend
// append
// also append
// get first
int one = ints.getFirst();
// get last
int five = ints.getLast();
// remove item from middle
boolean found = ints.remove(new Integer(3));
// remove item from tail
five = ints.removeLast();
// remove item from head
one = ints.removeFirst();
- same as linked list except all nodes maintain a pointer to the previous node
Pros (over singly linked list)
- can traverse list backwards
- given just a pointer to a node, can perform delete/insert (opposed to having to traverse entire list)
- delete/insert easier to implement (don't have store/update reference to previous pointer while traversing list)
- requires more space
- slightly more complex
(Big O and Java Example are same as Linked List)
- stores item in last in, first out (LIFO) order
- can use linked list or dynamic array to implement
- linked list
- push: insert element to head
- pop: remove element from head, return
- peak: return data of head
- dynamic array
- keep track of topOfStack (-1 when initialized)
- push: increment top of stack, store arr[topOfStack] = element
- pop: return arr[topOfStack], decrement topOfStack
- linked list
- push: add an element to the top of the stack
- pop (also delete): return and remove the element from the top of the stack
- peek: return the element from the top of the stack
Big O
operation | worst case |
space | O(n) |
push | O(1) |
pop | O(1) |
peek | O(1) |
Java Example
// initialize
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
// push
// peek
int five = stack.peek();
// pop
five = stack.pop();
int one = stack.pop();
- stores items in first in first out (FIFO) order
- can use linked list (MUCH preferred, WAY easier) or dynamic array
- linked list: enqueue (insert) items at tail, dequeue (remove) items at head
- enqueue: add element to back of queue
- dequeue: remeove element from front of queue
- peek: view element at front of queue
Big O
operation | worst case |
space | O(n) |
enqueue | O(1) |
dequeue | O(1) |
peek | O(1) |
Java Example
// initialize
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// enqueue
// peek
int five = queue.peek();
// dequeue
five = queue.remove();
int one = queue.remove();
- terminology
- nodes: entries which link to 0 or more children (also typically contain data)
- root: top most node (all nodes in tree descend from the root)
- leaf node: no children
- depth: number of edges/links from the root to a node (starting at 0)
- height: depth from a node to furthest/deepest leaf
- general
- efficient insertion and searching
- trees reflect structural relationships in the data
- trees are used to represent hierarchies
- trees provide efficient insertion and searching
- tree where every node has 2 or fewer children (usually called 'left' and 'right')
- balanced binary tree
- height is small relative to number of nodes it has
- height is usually O(log(n))
- different definitions, but typically (a) left/right subtree height differ by at most 1, (b) both subtrees are balanced
- complete tree
- completely filled (all nodes have 2 children), with only exception for bottom (deepest) level which is filled from left to right
- height is at most O(logN)
- full binary tree
- each nodes has either 0 or 2 children
- perfect binary tree
- every level is completely full
- insert: add a node to the tree
- delete: remove a node from the tree
- search: search for an item in the tree
Big O
operation | worst case |
space | O(n) |
insert | O(n) |
delete | O(n) |
lookup | O(n) |
- a binary tree where all left children are less than and all right children are greater than the current node
same as Binary Tree
Big O
operation | worst case | balanced |
space | O(n) | O(n) |
insert | O(n) | O(log(n)) |
delete | O(n) | O(log(n)) |
lookup | O(n) | O(log(n)) |
- explore one path (one child, then one of their children, then one of THEIR children...) as deep as possible before trying the next path
- can be easily implemented using recursion
- three orders
- preorder: process current node, then left subtree, then right subtree
- inorder: process left subtree, current node, then right subtree
- postorder: process left subtree, then right subtree, then current node
- doesn't necessarily find the shortest path to what's being searched (whereas BFS does)
Psuedo Code
// in order traversal
dfs(node) {
if (node == null)
- explore all child nodes, then explore all their children, and so on
- will find the shortest path between starting node and any traversed node
Psuedo Code
while !queue.isEmpty()
current = queue.dequeue()
// NOTE: 'current' might be null
- an interconnected network consisting of vertex/nodes (the actual data elements) which are connected by edges
- pros: representing things that connect to other things
- cons: most graph algorithms are O(nlogn) or slower
- directed vs. undirected
- directed: edges 'point' from one node to the other (i.e. for a->b, can only go from a to b, vs y<->z can go back and forth)
- undirected: can traverse edge any which way (direction doesn't matter)
- cyclic vs. acyclic
- cylcic: path along edges form a vertex (back) to itself
- acyclic: graph with no cycles
- weighted: each edge has an associated weight (i.e. roads with distances)
- directed acyclic graph (DAG)
- directed graph without cycles
- multiple ways to represent in code
- multi dimensional array (list of edges)
- hashmap of vertex to adjacent vertices (i.e.
hashmap<vertex, LinkedList<vertex>>
- note
- possible for a graph to be disconnected (have networks of verteces not connected to other networks of verteces)
- advanced
- Dijkstras Algorithm (?)
- Minimum Spanning Tree (?)
- NOTE: dfs/bfs on a directed graph may not print out all verteces, i.e. if starting point is a node with only in-arrows
Psuedo Code
dfs(graph, node) {
node.visted = true
for neighbor in graph.getNeighbors(node)
if neighbor.visited == false
Psuedo Code
bfs(graph, node) {
current = queue.dequeue
current.visted = true
for neighbor in graph.getNeighbors(current)
if !neighbor.visited
- rearranges elements in an array in order (usually ascending) based on some comparison operator
- popular sorting algorithms can be broken down into two categories
- simple sort: average O(n²)
- selection sort
- insertion sort
- efficient sort: average O(nlog(n))
- merge sort
- quicksort
- heapsort
- simple sort: average O(n²)
Big O
operation | worst | best | average | space |
selection sort | O(n²) | O(n²) | O(n²) | O(1) |
insertion sort | O(n²) | O(n) | O(n²) | O(1) |
merge sort | O(nlog(n)) | O(nlog(n)) | O(nlog(n)) | O(n) |
quicksort | O(n²) | O(nlog(n)) | O(nlog(n)) | O(log(n)) |
heapsort | O(nlog(n)) | O(n) | O(nlog(n)) | O(1) |
TODO: finish
TODO: finish
- finds an item in a sorted array
- worst case O(log(n)) time
- algorithm: pick the middle of the array - if found, return index, other wise if less than, choose new middle to left, otherwise if greatar than, choose new middle to right
Psuedo Code
Basic Hello World Example
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!")
This file could be called something like
. To compile the file run $ javac
and to execute the program run $ java HelloWorld
TODO: cleanup/finish
- simple list:
(O(1) for get, set, O(1) for amortized add) - simple list:
(TODO) - sorted list: doesn't really exist as a datastructure, could just call
on a list - simple set:
(O(1) for add, remove, contains) - sorted set:
(O(log(n)) for add, remove, contains) - simple map:
(O(1) for get, put) - sorted map:
(sorted via keys, O(log(n)) for containsKey, get, put and remove) - queue:
(note this is an interface, need to use something likeLinkedList
to actually implement) - stack:
- both allow for abstraction of implmentation
topic | Abstract class | Interface |
methods | can have abstract and non-abstract methods (also default, static methods) | only abstract methods |
final variables | can contain non final variables | variables are final by default |
variable types | final, non-final, static and non-static variables | only static and final variables |
implementation | can implement interface | can't implement abstract class |
implementing | use keyword extend | use keyword implements |
multiple implements | can extend another class and implement multiple interfaces | interfaces can only extend other interfaces |
variable accessiblity | supports private, protected... | public by default |
Java Example
class Event implements Comparable<Event> {
String name;
LocalDateTime date;
public Event(String name, LocalDateTime date) { = name; = date;
public int compareTo(Event event) {
- ordered collection
- maintains elements in insertion order
- can contain duplicates
- positional access
- Java Doc
- unordered collection
- elements are not maintained any order
- no duplicates (all elements unique)
- no positional access
- Java Doc
- implement Collection, Iterable