walax : django :: django : sql
Walax is a Javascript framework for interacting with objects remotely via Django. The goal is to provide a 'batteries-included' library for easily creating front-end applications, which automatically consumes and instantiates its interface from CoreAPI-compatible remote.
While other implementations should be possible, walax was designed and tested using Django and DRF (see the example records
Django project for a simple working configuration).
🏠 Homepage
Walax is meant to provide all the scaffolding for a fully-featured client-side application with API backing; as such, it encompasses an array of common functionality, and attempts to present them in an integrated fashion. It includes a Django API for simple server configuration.
Walax has two main dependencies:
- mithril: view components and routing, as well as XHR
- mobx: state management
Both libraries are small, fast, and provide (in the author's opinion ;) powerful, un-intrusive access to critical features required by an SPA; walax is therefore opinionated on these choices. (You can use just the object system with whatever state/display/routing library you like, but these are used internally by walax, and are included in the exposed interface.)
For now, here are some examples of the walax API:
// Javascript
import w from Walax
# Python
from django.urls import path, include
from walax.routers import WalaxRouter
from .models import MODELS
router = WalaxRouter()
for model in MODELS:
urlpatterns += path('api/', include(router.urls))
w.net.delete('/api/endpoint/', {id: 23})
w.net.post('/some/form/somewhere', {}, '<request body goes here>')
w.log.info('just fyi', someVar)
w.log.error('oh dear') // will throw an exception
w.log.fatal('i give up') // terminates
w.log.assert(1>2, 'math stopped working') // asserts
let a = new Band()
a.name = 'Beatles'
a.d('band-specific debug message')
// logs: "Band: Beatles", 'band-specific debug message')
let Band = w.obj.records.Band
let beatles = new Band()
beatles.name = 'Beatles'
// actually sets an integer from a Django `choices` field
beatles.genre = 'Rock'
for (let band in Band.objects.all()) {
// ...
class a extends WalaxEntity {}
class b extends a {}
class c extends b {}
let d = new c()
if (w.checkClass(d, a)) { /*...*/ }
w.augment(d, 'prop', () => 1, x => console.log('set'))
d.prop // returns 1
d.d('debugging info', data)
d.e('error message') // throws a TypeError
d.a(false, 'assertion failed')
d.i('this is just information')
django-admin startproject example
pip3 install walax
👤 Matt Barry [email protected]
- Website: http://hazelmollusk.org
- Github: @zaharazod
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