Custom (light) components for ESPHome
Create a real Philips HUE Lightstrip look-a-like with ESPHome and RGB+CT lightstrips.
- Allows mixing rgb leds for color temperature outside of range of the white leds.
- Same behaviour as native Hue lights in HA: RGB and white combiend into single light.
- Can be 100% color matched with other HUE lights.
- Also works with light bulbs
- Copy custom_components folder into esphome config directory (e.g. /config/esphome).
- Use configuration from below.
Example ESpHome config:
- platform: rgbcct
name: "${device_name}: RGBCCT Light"
red: pwm_r
green: pwm_g
blue: pwm_b
warm_white: pwm_ww
cold_white: pwm_cw
cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K
warm_white_color_temperature: 2400 K
# In Kelvin or Mireds
max_warm_color_temperature: 500 mireds # Optional defaults to 500 mireds
max_cold_color_temperature: 153 mireds # Optional defaults to 153 mireds
constant_brightness: false # Optional defaults to false, make white brightness levels combine to max_combined_white_level
max_combined_white_level: 1 # Optional defaults to 1, reduce if light is unable to support max brightness
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO13
id: pwm_ww
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO12
id: pwm_g
max_power: 45%
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO14
id: pwm_b
max_power: 30%
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO5
id: pwm_cw
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO4
id: pwm_r
In the example above replace the correct values for the GPIO pins. Adjust max_power setting for each channel to match your lightstrip. Above settings were tested using a (very common) 24V RGB-CT 5050 ledstrip from Amazon/Ali. Adjust the levels until the light exactly matches.
Adjust min/max color temperature of light as desired.