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Fix font and dynamic rendering breakage in vulkan backend
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dpwiz committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent 4b121e7 commit e0293ef
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Showing 3 changed files with 81 additions and 70 deletions.
23 changes: 11 additions & 12 deletions examples/vulkan/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -391,16 +391,15 @@ app = do
, device
, queueFamily
, queue
, pipelineCache = Vulkan.NULL_HANDLE
, descriptorPool = imGuiDescriptorPool
, subpass = 0
, pipelineCache = Vulkan.NULL_HANDLE
, descriptorPool = imGuiDescriptorPool
, subpass = 0
, minImageCount
, imageCount
, msaaSamples = Vulkan.SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT
, mbAllocator = Nothing
, useDynamicRendering = False
, colorAttachmentFormat = Nothing
, checkResult = \case { Vulkan.SUCCESS -> pure (); e -> throw $ Vulkan.VulkanException e }
, msaaSamples = Vulkan.SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT
, mbAllocator = Nothing
, rendering = Left imGuiRenderPass
, checkResult = \case { Vulkan.SUCCESS -> pure (); e -> throw $ Vulkan.VulkanException e }

logDebug "Initialising ImGui SDL2 for Vulkan"
Expand All @@ -409,7 +408,7 @@ app = do
( const ImGui.SDL.sdl2Shutdown )

logDebug "Initialising ImGui for Vulkan"
ImGui.Vulkan.withVulkan initInfo imGuiRenderPass \ _ -> do
ImGui.Vulkan.withVulkan initInfo \ _ -> do

logDebug "Running one-shot commands to upload ImGui textures"
logDebug "Creating fence"
Expand All @@ -421,7 +420,9 @@ app = do

logDebug "Recording one-shot commands"
beginCommandBuffer oneshotCommandBuffer
_ <- ImGui.Vulkan.vulkanCreateFontsTexture oneshotCommandBuffer

logDebug "ImGui preparing fonts texture"
_ <- ImGui.Vulkan.vulkanCreateFontsTexture

logDebug "Uploading texture"
let textureSubresource = Vulkan.ImageSubresourceRange
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,8 +498,6 @@ app = do
waitForFences device ( WaitAll [ fence ] )

logDebug "Finished uploading font objects"
logDebug "Cleaning up one-shot commands"
traverse_ ResourceT.release [ fenceKey, oneshotCommandBufferKey, stageKey ]

logDebug "Adding imgui texture"
Expand Down
93 changes: 52 additions & 41 deletions src/DearImGui/Vulkan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module DearImGui.Vulkan
, vulkanNewFrame
, vulkanRenderDrawData
, vulkanCreateFontsTexture
, vulkanDestroyFontUploadObjects
, vulkanDestroyFontsTexture
, vulkanSetMinImageCount

, vulkanAddTexture
Expand All @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ module DearImGui.Vulkan
-- base
import Data.Maybe
( fromMaybe )
import Data.Either
( isRight )
import Data.Word
( Word32 )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,53 +58,54 @@ import UnliftIO.Exception

-- vulkan
import qualified Vulkan
import Vulkan.Zero
( zero )

-- DearImGui
import DearImGui
( DrawData(..) )
import DearImGui.Vulkan.Types
( vulkanCtx )

C.context ( Cpp.cppCtx <> C.funCtx <> vulkanCtx )
C.include "string.h"
C.include "imgui.h"
C.include "backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.h"
Cpp.using "namespace ImGui"

data InitInfo =
{ instance' :: !Vulkan.Instance
, physicalDevice :: !Vulkan.PhysicalDevice
, device :: !Vulkan.Device
, queueFamily :: !Word32
, queue :: !Vulkan.Queue
, pipelineCache :: !Vulkan.PipelineCache
, descriptorPool :: !Vulkan.DescriptorPool
, subpass :: !Word32
, minImageCount :: !Word32
, imageCount :: !Word32
, msaaSamples :: !Vulkan.SampleCountFlagBits
, colorAttachmentFormat :: !(Maybe Vulkan.Format)
, useDynamicRendering :: !Bool
, mbAllocator :: Maybe Vulkan.AllocationCallbacks
, checkResult :: Vulkan.Result -> IO ()
{ instance' :: !Vulkan.Instance
, physicalDevice :: !Vulkan.PhysicalDevice
, device :: !Vulkan.Device
, queueFamily :: !Word32
, queue :: !Vulkan.Queue
, pipelineCache :: !Vulkan.PipelineCache
, descriptorPool :: !Vulkan.DescriptorPool
, subpass :: !Word32
, minImageCount :: !Word32
, imageCount :: !Word32
, msaaSamples :: !Vulkan.SampleCountFlagBits
, rendering :: Either Vulkan.RenderPass Vulkan.PipelineRenderingCreateInfo
, mbAllocator :: Maybe Vulkan.AllocationCallbacks
, checkResult :: Vulkan.Result -> IO ()

-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init@ and @ImGui_ImplVulkan_Shutdown@.
withVulkan :: MonadUnliftIO m => InitInfo -> Vulkan.RenderPass -> ( Bool -> m a ) -> m a
withVulkan initInfo renderPass action =
withVulkan :: MonadUnliftIO m => InitInfo -> ( Bool -> m a ) -> m a
withVulkan initInfo action =
( vulkanInit initInfo renderPass )
( vulkanInit initInfo )
( \ ( _, initResult ) -> action initResult )

-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init@.
-- Use 'vulkanShutdown' to clean up on shutdown.
-- Prefer using 'withVulkan' when possible, as it automatically handles cleanup.
vulkanInit :: MonadIO m => InitInfo -> Vulkan.RenderPass -> m (FunPtr (Vulkan.Result -> IO ()), Bool)
vulkanInit ( InitInfo {..} ) renderPass = do
vulkanInit :: MonadIO m => InitInfo -> m (FunPtr (Vulkan.Result -> IO ()), Bool)
vulkanInit ( InitInfo {..} ) = liftIO do
instancePtr :: Ptr Vulkan.Instance_T
instancePtr = Vulkan.instanceHandle instance'
Expand All @@ -117,14 +120,20 @@ vulkanInit ( InitInfo {..} ) renderPass = do
Nothing -> f nullPtr
Just callbacks -> alloca ( \ ptr -> poke ptr callbacks *> f ptr )
useDynamicRendering' :: Cpp.CBool
useDynamicRendering' = fromBool useDynamicRendering
colorAttachmentFormat' :: Vulkan.Format
colorAttachmentFormat' = fromMaybe Vulkan.FORMAT_UNDEFINED colorAttachmentFormat
liftIO do
useDynamicRendering' = fromBool (isRight rendering)
renderPass :: Vulkan.RenderPass
renderPass = either id (const zero) rendering
Vulkan.withCStruct (either (const zero) id rendering) \pipelineRenderingCIPtr -> do
checkResultFunPtr <- $( C.mkFunPtr [t| Vulkan.Result -> IO () |] ) checkResult
initResult <- withCallbacks \ callbacksPtr ->
initResult <- withCallbacks \ callbacksPtr -> do
[C.block| bool {
ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo initInfo;
ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo initInfo = {0,};

VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR pipelineRenderingCI;
memset(&pipelineRenderingCI, 0, sizeof(VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR));

VkInstance instance = { $( VkInstance_T* instancePtr ) };
initInfo.Instance = instance;
VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = { $( VkPhysicalDevice_T* physicalDevicePtr ) };
Expand All @@ -142,9 +151,12 @@ vulkanInit ( InitInfo {..} ) renderPass = do
initInfo.MSAASamples = $(VkSampleCountFlagBits msaaSamples);
initInfo.Allocator = $(VkAllocationCallbacks* callbacksPtr);
initInfo.CheckVkResultFn = $( void (*checkResultFunPtr)(VkResult) );

initInfo.UseDynamicRendering = $(bool useDynamicRendering');
initInfo.ColorAttachmentFormat = $(VkFormat colorAttachmentFormat');
return ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(&initInfo, $(VkRenderPass renderPass) );
initInfo.RenderPass = $(VkRenderPass renderPass);
if ($(VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo* pipelineRenderingCIPtr))
memcpy(&initInfo.PipelineRenderingCreateInfo, $(VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo* pipelineRenderingCIPtr), sizeof(VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo));
return ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(&initInfo);
pure ( checkResultFunPtr, initResult /= 0 )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,22 +187,21 @@ vulkanRenderDrawData (DrawData dataPtr) commandBuffer mbPipeline = liftIO do

-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreateFontsTexture@.
vulkanCreateFontsTexture :: MonadIO m => Vulkan.CommandBuffer -> m Bool
vulkanCreateFontsTexture commandBuffer = liftIO do
commandBufferPtr :: Ptr Vulkan.CommandBuffer_T
commandBufferPtr = Vulkan.commandBufferHandle commandBuffer
vulkanCreateFontsTexture :: MonadIO m => m Bool
vulkanCreateFontsTexture = liftIO do
res <-
[C.block| bool {
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer = { $( VkCommandBuffer_T* commandBufferPtr ) };
return ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreateFontsTexture(commandBuffer);
return ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreateFontsTexture();
pure ( res /= 0 )

-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_DestroyFontUploadObjects@.
vulkanDestroyFontUploadObjects :: MonadIO m => m ()
vulkanDestroyFontUploadObjects = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { ImGui_ImplVulkan_DestroyFontUploadObjects(); } |]
-- | You probably never need to call this, as it is called by ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreateFontsTexture() and ImGui_ImplVulkan_Shutdown().
-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_DestroyFontsTexture@.
vulkanDestroyFontsTexture :: MonadIO m => m ()
vulkanDestroyFontsTexture = liftIO do
[C.block| void {
return ImGui_ImplVulkan_DestroyFontsTexture();

-- | Wraps @ImGui_ImplVulkan_SetMinImageCount@.
vulkanSetMinImageCount :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> m ()
Expand Down
35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions src/DearImGui/Vulkan/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,23 +19,24 @@ import qualified Vulkan

vulkanTypesTable :: C.TypesTable
vulkanTypesTable = Map.fromList
[ ( C.TypeName "VkAllocationCallbacks", [t| Vulkan.AllocationCallbacks |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkCommandBuffer_T" , [t| Vulkan.CommandBuffer_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDescriptorPool" , [t| Vulkan.DescriptorPool |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDevice_T" , [t| Vulkan.Device_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkInstance_T" , [t| Vulkan.Instance_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPhysicalDevice_T" , [t| Vulkan.PhysicalDevice_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPipeline" , [t| Vulkan.Pipeline |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPipelineCache" , [t| Vulkan.PipelineCache |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkQueue_T" , [t| Vulkan.Queue_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkRenderPass" , [t| Vulkan.RenderPass |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkResult" , [t| Vulkan.Result |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkSampleCountFlagBits", [t| Vulkan.SampleCountFlagBits |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkSampler" , [t| Vulkan.Sampler |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkImageView" , [t| Vulkan.ImageView |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkImageLayout" , [t| Vulkan.ImageLayout |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDescriptorSet" , [t| Vulkan.DescriptorSet |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkFormat" , [t| Vulkan.Format |])
[ ( C.TypeName "VkAllocationCallbacks" , [t| Vulkan.AllocationCallbacks |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkCommandBuffer_T" , [t| Vulkan.CommandBuffer_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDescriptorPool" , [t| Vulkan.DescriptorPool |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDevice_T" , [t| Vulkan.Device_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkInstance_T" , [t| Vulkan.Instance_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPhysicalDevice_T" , [t| Vulkan.PhysicalDevice_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPipeline" , [t| Vulkan.Pipeline |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPipelineCache" , [t| Vulkan.PipelineCache |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkQueue_T" , [t| Vulkan.Queue_T |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkRenderPass" , [t| Vulkan.RenderPass |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkResult" , [t| Vulkan.Result |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkSampleCountFlagBits" , [t| Vulkan.SampleCountFlagBits |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkSampler" , [t| Vulkan.Sampler |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkImageView" , [t| Vulkan.ImageView |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkImageLayout" , [t| Vulkan.ImageLayout |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkDescriptorSet" , [t| Vulkan.DescriptorSet |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkFormat" , [t| Vulkan.Format |] )
, ( C.TypeName "VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo", [t| Vulkan.PipelineRenderingCreateInfo |] )

vulkanCtx :: C.Context
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