New subtool called skim was added (still beta - use with caution and suggestions welcome)!
Skims through requested components in a SLOW5/BLOW5 file. If no options are provided, all the SLOW5 records except the raw signal will be printed. Usage: slow5tools skim [OPTIONS] [SLOW5_FILE] OPTIONS: -t, --threads INT number of threads [8] -K, --batchsize INT number of records loaded to the memory at once [4096] --hdr print the header only --rid print the list of read ids only -h, --help display this message and exit
# print all per-read metadata (except the raw signal) slow5tools skim file.blow5 #print the list of read IDs slow5tools skim --rid file.blow5 #print the SLOW5 header slow5tools skim --hdr file.blow5
3ff8bbb: improving search files log message in f2s (hiruna72)
4d8595c: include cases where certain field values can be zero(hiruna72)