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update env config

update env config #10

## This starter workflow is for a CMake project running on a single platform. There is a different starter workflow if you need cross-platform coverage.
## See:
#name: CMake on a single platform
# push:
# branches: [ "master" ]
# pull_request:
# branches: [ "master" ]
# # Customize the CMake build type here (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.)
# BUILD_TYPE: Release
# build:
# # The CMake configure and build commands are platform agnostic and should work equally well on Windows or Mac.
# # You can convert this to a matrix build if you need cross-platform coverage.
# # See:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# container:
# image: 444047485/kuipercourse_env:v1.0
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# ref: master
# - name: env
# run: apt-get install wget -y && sh
# - name: Compile and Test
# run: mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8 && ../bin/test_tihyWebServer