This repo is for training and running prediction of brca finegrain segmentation using Unet model.
- Pytorch 0.4.0
- Torchvision 0.2.0
- cv2 (3.4.1)
- Openslide 1.1.1
- sklearn
- The training/validation data are saved in the .data folder
- Training patches and corresponding masks are stored in separate folders. Here is an example:
- Training data:
- TCGA_BRCA_finegrain_patches_10X
- TCGA_BRCA_finegrain_patches_10X_mask
- Validation data:
- TCGA_BRCA_finegrain_patches_10X_val
- TCGA_BRCA_finegrain_patches_10X_mask_val
- Number 10X indicates the resolution in which the patches were extracted. There is an argument in, 'resolution', to select the resolution if you have different resolution settings.
- The training patch and the corresponding mask have the same size, ideally square patch, e.g 1000x1000 pixels.
- The mask contain values 0, 1, 2,... to indicate the class ID. For binary classification, mask's values are 0/1
- Change the data folder paths accordingly in util_codes/ to load training/validation data
- Run python to train the model.
- Arguments can be passed to select input size of the model, batch size, learning rate, etc.
- Run python to run prediction for validation patches.
- Predicted patches will be stored in data folder, under the name "predicted_imgs_10X", if the patches are at 10X
- The predicted patches are original patches overlayed with predicted masks.