: binary map with octree info
map1.ot : probablity map with octree info
point_xyz_0.txt : xyz point cloud reconstructed from the view point 0
camerapose_0.txt: the camera pose matrix of the view point 0 ( [R t] in homogenious transformation matrix form)
rayshooting_0.txt: The rayshooting time for the points stored in "point_xyz_0.txt". 50 measurements in total.
map1.png: full 2D grid map obtained from this scene : binary map with octree info
localmap0.ot : probablity map with octree info
point_xyz_0.txt : xyz point cloud reconstructed from the view point 0
camerapose_0.txt: the camera pose matrix of the view point 0 ( [R t] in homogenious transformation matrix form)
rayshooting_0.txt: The rayshooting time for the points stored in "point_xyz_0.txt". 50 measurements in total.
frame0000.jpg: snapshot at viewpoint0
box_cent.txt: centroids (x,y,z) of the boxes w.r.t the cam coord frame (1st row) and the world coord frame (the 2nd row)
view*_wrt_cam.jpg: A plot of point clouds + cam pose + boundingbox w.r.t cam coord frame. view*_wrt_world.jpg: A plot of point clouds + cam pose + boundingbox w.r.t world coord frame.