This is a simple silex service which integrates simple html dom into silex as a service .
Install instruction :
Via Composer :
1 - Add this line to composer file: "haffoudhi/simplehtmldom": "@dev"
2 - Then run composer update.
3 - Register the new service in your bootstrap file $app->register(new Haffoudhi\Silex\SimpleHtmlDomServiceProvider());
Without Composer :
1 - Copy the folder Haffoudhi under the src file of your silex project.
2 - Register the new service in your bootstrap file $app->register(new Haffoudhi\Silex\SimpleHtmlDomServiceProvider());
How to use :
Now, afer you installed the service successfully, In your Controller,
1 - call the service : $simpleHtmlDom = $app['simpleHtmlDom'];
2 - Use simplehtmldom to get all the links from a string :
$content = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/anyWebPage.htm'); // $content can be the
//result of curl function or the content of html file, it's a string that contains the html source
// Find all links
foreach($simpleHtmlDom->find('a') as $element) {
echo $element->href . '<br/>';
3 - Use simplehtmldom to get all the links from a file :
$simpleHtmlDom->load_file(__DIR__ . '/anyWebPage.htm'); // we introduce the path to the file
//that contains the html source
// Find all links
foreach($simpleHtmlDom->find('a') as $element) {
echo $element->href . '<br/>';
Final Notices,
1 - Need some assistance in data scraping, web scraping using silex and simple_html_dom
2 - You do have some problems implementing the service
then pull a new request i will answer as soon as possible.