A PHP image extended to bundle libraries commonly used in PHP projects. The following libraires are included:
- libpng12
- libjpeg
- libmemcached
- libmcrypt
- gd
- mysqli
- opcache
- zip
- mbstring
- mcrypt
- memcache
- memcached
- xdebug
docker run --name elephant -v /path/to/project:/var/www/html -d hacklabr/php
When creating your container, enable XDebug by setting env variable XDEBUG
docker run --name elephant -e XDEBUG=1 -v /path/to/project:/var/www/html -d hacklab/php
Tell your Atom about folder mapping by editin config.cson
. You have to configure the
section called "php-debug". It should look like this:
PathMaps: [
CatchableFatalError: false
Deprecated: false
FatalError: false
Notice: false
ParseError: false
StrictStandards: false
UnknownError: false
Warning: false
Xdebug: false
ServerPort: 9000
You can extend this image with a Dockerfile. Imagine you want to let your user upload 2GB files.
FROM hacklab/php
LABEL mantainer "Hacklab <[email protected]>"
RUN { \
echo "file_uploads = On"; \
echo "upload_max_filesize = 2048M";\
echo "post_max_size = 2048M"; \
echo "max_file_uploads = 20"; \
} > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-max-upload.ini
USER root