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Symplectic is a Node.js utility for managing project structures through a single file. It allows you to generate a symplectic.txt file from an existing project structure, create project structures from a symplectic.txt file, remove files based on the symplectic.txt specification, and now includes a snapshot feature for easy reverting of changes.

Use Cases

  1. Project Templates: Create reusable project templates that can be easily shared and instantiated.

  2. LLM Interaction: Easily communicate project structures to Large Language Models for code generation or analysis.

  3. Quick Project Setup: Rapidly set up complex project structures with a single command.

  4. Clean Up: Easily remove generated project structures when they're no longer needed.

  5. File Modification: Prepend or append content to existing files without overwriting them.

  6. Version Control: Create snapshots of your project structure for easy reverting of changes.

Important Disclaimer

Warning: The operations performed by Symplectic are destructive by nature. Always archive your changes and use version control. It is strongly recommended to operate in dry-run mode first to verify the intended actions. The author does not take any responsibility for data loss caused by the use of this tool.


To install Symplectic globally, run:

npm install -g symplectic

For local installation in your project:

npm install symplectic


Before running any command, it's recommended to use the --dry-run option to see what changes would be made without actually applying them.

Symplectic can be used in several ways:

Generate symplectic.txt

To generate a symplectic.txt file from your current project structure:

symplectic --generate --dry-run

If the dry run output looks correct, you can run the command without --dry-run to actually create the symplectic.txt file:

symplectic --generate

This will create a symplectic.txt file in the current directory, containing the structure and content of your project.

Create project structure

To create a project structure from a symplectic.txt file:

symplectic --dry-run

If the dry run output looks correct, you can run the command without --dry-run to actually create the file structure:


This command assumes a symplectic.txt file is present in the current directory. It will create the file structure and content specified in the file.

Remove project structure

To remove files specified in the symplectic.txt:

symplectic --remove --dry-run

If the dry run output looks correct, you can run the command without --dry-run to actually remove the files:

symplectic --remove

This will delete all files and directories specified in the symplectic.txt file.

Prepend or Append to Files

To prepend or append content to existing files, use the following syntax in your symplectic.txt file:

  • For prepending: //||^ filename
  • For appending: //||$ filename


//||^ existing_file.txt
This content will be prepended to the file.

//||$ another_existing_file.txt
This content will be appended to the file.

Then run:

symplectic --dry-run

If the dry run output looks correct, run without --dry-run to apply the changes:


Create a Snapshot

To apply changes and create a snapshot of the resulting system state:

symplectic --save-snapshot

This command will:

  1. Apply all changes specified in the symplectic.txt file.
  2. Create a snapshot of the resulting system state after the changes have been applied.
  3. Save the snapshot in the .symplecticarchive directory with a timestamp in the filename.

The snapshot file will be in the Symplectic format, allowing you to revert to this state later if needed.


Symplectic supports the following command-line parameters:

Parameter Short Description
--verbose -v Run with verbose logging
--dry-run -d Perform a dry run without creating or removing files
--remove -r Remove files instead of creating them
--generate -g Generate symplectic.txt file from existing structure
--subfolder <path> -s <path> Generate structure for a specific subfolder
--save-snapshot -S Apply changes and save a snapshot of the resulting system
--help -h Show help information


  1. Generate symplectic.txt for a specific subfolder:

    symplectic --generate --subfolder src --dry-run
  2. Perform a dry run to see what files would be created or modified:

    symplectic --dry-run
  3. Remove files with verbose logging:

    symplectic --remove --verbose --dry-run
  4. Prepend content to an existing file:

    echo "//||^ existing_file.txt\nPrepended content" > symplectic.txt
    symplectic --dry-run
  5. Append content to an existing file:

    echo "//||$ existing_file.txt\nAppended content" > symplectic.txt
    symplectic --dry-run
  6. Apply changes and create a snapshot:

    symplectic --save-snapshot


Symplectic respects .gitignore rules and also supports a .symplecticignore file for additional exclusions. The symplectic.txt file itself is always ignored.

File Format

The symplectic.txt file uses the following format:

//|| filename
file content

//|| another/file/path
another file's content

//||^ existing_file.txt
content to prepend

//||$ existing_file.txt
content to append

Each file is separated by a line starting with //|| followed by the file path. Use //||^ for prepending and //||$ for appending.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

When submitting a pull request:

  • Provide a clear description of the changes
  • Include any relevant issue numbers
  • Update the with details of changes to the interface, if applicable
  • Increase the version numbers in any examples files and the to the new version that this Pull Request would represent

Support the Project

If you find Symplectic useful, consider supporting its development:

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This project is licensed under the ISC License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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