My homepage and blog. Also hosts the Computational Biology Unit's web presence.
All content, unless explicitly stated, is published under a CC-BY license. You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially
Questions or comments. Open an issue or send an email.
- Add new posts to
- Figures go into
and are referenced with[Description](/images/fig.png]
. - Assuming [jekyll] is installed, build locally with:
bundle exec jekyll build -d docs
Check locally by opening
for pages and posts. -
Push to Github, where gh-pages is configured to render the content of
. -
Check again, find typos and other issues, fix locally, build and push.
To serve locally:
bundle exec jekyll server --future --watch
- the
tag will also build and serve future posts, i.e. forthcoming post that have a date in the future; - the
tag allows to re-build the site automatically upon modification of post files. Very useful for fixing typos.