Name of QuantLet: Newssurprise
Published in:
Description: 'Plot news surprise index. The definition of "surprise" follows
uncertainty definition of Kyle, Sydney and Serena (2015)'
Keywords: 'Plot, Time-series, Text Mining, Media News, Sentiment, Uncertainty'
See also:
Author: 'Guo Li'
Submitted: 'Mon, September 5 2016 by Guo Li'
Datafile: 'dat_Z.RData 1996.csv nBWsent.RData nPLS.RData'
libraries = c("stochvol", "vars","lubridate")
lapply(libraries, library, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
uncert = function(dat11,dat_Z,a=1,b=ncol(dat11),mean1 = T,q=5){
Uncert1 = matrix(rep(0,(nrow(dat_Z)-5)*ncol(as.matrix(dat11[,a:b]))),ncol=ncol(as.matrix(dat11[,a:b])))
Residual = matrix(rep(0,(nrow(dat_Z)-5)*ncol(as.matrix(dat11[,a:b]))),ncol=ncol(as.matrix(dat11[,a:b])))
for (i in a:b){
y = numeric()
ys = dat11[,i]
y = cbind(y,ys)
y_l = numeric()
for (qq in 1:(q-1)){
y_ll = c(rep(NA,qq),ys[1:(length(ys)-qq)])
y_l = cbind(y_l,y_ll)
y = cbind(y,y_l)
y_0 = ys
dat_ZZ = cbind(dat_Z)
dat_ZZ = dat_ZZ[-1*c(1:4),]
dat_ZZ = as.matrix(dat_ZZ)
lm_selection = lm(y_0[-c(1:q)] ~ dat_ZZ[-nrow(dat_ZZ),])
F_Final = as.matrix(dat_Z[,(abs(summary(lm_selection)$coefficients[,4][-c(1)])<0.1)])
r = dim(F_Final)[2]
q = 5
if (dim(F_Final)[2]==0){
Endog = y[-c(1:4),]
} else {
dat_FFF = numeric()
for (qq in 1:(q-1)){
dat_Flag = matrix(rep(NA,qq*r),ncol=r)
dat_Flag1 = rbind(as.matrix(dat_Flag),as.matrix(F_Final[1:(nrow(F_Final)-qq),]))
dat_FFF = cbind(dat_FFF,dat_Flag1)
dat_FFF = cbind(F_Final,dat_FFF)
Endog = cbind(dat_FFF[-c(1:4),],y[-c(1:4),])
EE_n = numeric()
for (rn in 1:r){
for (qn in 1:q){
EE_n = cbind(EE_n,Endog[,(r*(qn-1)+rn)])
Endog[,1:(q*r)] = EE_n
if (dim(F_Final)[2]!=0){
] = c(1:(length(colnames(Endog))-5))
XX = numeric()
for (nn1 in 1:r){
for (mm1 in 1:q){
XX = Endog[,((mm1-1)*r+nn1)]
Endog[,(q*r)] = XX
lt = length(colnames(Endog))
colnames(Endog)[lt] = "y_4"
colnames(Endog)[lt-1] = "y_3"
colnames(Endog)[lt-2] = "y_2"
colnames(Endog)[lt-3] = "y_1"
var_e = VAR(as.matrix(Endog),type="none")
if (dim(F_Final)[2]==0){
restrict1 = matrix(as.numeric(upper.tri(matrix(1,q,q),diag=TRUE)),nrow=q)
var_ee = restrict(var_e, method = "man", resmat = restrict1)
}else {
matrix_FM = matrix(as.numeric(upper.tri(matrix(1,q,q),diag=TRUE)),nrow=q)
matrix_F = matrix(1, nrow = r, ncol = r) %x% matrix_FM
matrix_0 = matrix(rep(0,q*r*q),ncol=q)
matrix_j = matrix_F[1:q,]
matrix_yj = matrix(as.numeric(upper.tri(matrix(1,q,q),diag=TRUE)),nrow=q)
restrict = rbind(cbind(matrix_F,matrix_0),cbind(matrix_j,matrix_yj))
var_ee = restrict(var_e, method = "man", resmat = restrict)
FAVAR_Resid = as.matrix(resid(var_ee))[,(ncol(Endog)-4):ncol(Endog)]
Resid_Y1 = FAVAR_Resid
for (yi1 in 1:ncol(Resid_Y1)){
draws_yi1 = svsample(Resid_Y1[,yi1], draws = 5000, burnin = 1000)
Uncert_Y1[,yi1] = draws_yi1$summary$latent[,6]
SV_Y1_V = (Uncert_Y1)^2
D1_Y = SV_Y1_V
Uncert_FF1 = matrix(rep(0,nrow(D1_Y)),ncol=1)
for (oo in 1:nrow(D1_Y)) {
diagMY1 = diag(D1_Y[oo,])
Y_F1 = diagMY1
MM1 = Y_F1
I = matrix(c(1,rep(0,(nrow(MM1)-1))),ncol=1)
Uncert_FF1[oo,1] = (t(I)%*%MM1%*%I)^0.5
} # for oo
Residual[,i-a+1] = Resid_Y1[,1]
Uncert1[,i-a+1] = Uncert_FF1
if (mean1 == T){
First = apply(Residual,1,mean)
} else {
First = princomp(Residual)$scores[,1]
Uncert_mean = apply(Uncert1, 1, mean)
U = data.frame(First,Uncert_mean)
#market aggregated news.
dat_news = as.matrix(read.csv("1996.csv",header=F))
dat_news[,1] = as.character(as.Date(dat_news[,1],"%m/%d/%y"))
dat_news[,1] = format(as.Date(dat_news[,1]), "%Y%m")
dat_new = as.numeric(dat_news[,2])-as.numeric(dat_news[,4])
#for paper work
Positive = as.numeric(dat_news[,2])
Negative = as.numeric(dat_news[,4])
Optimism = Positive - Negative
Orig_News = data.frame(Optimism,Positive,Negative)
Orig_News = Orig_News[match('199601',dat_news[,1]):match('201012',dat_news[,1]),]
RInd_new = Orig_News[,ncol(Orig_News)]
Orig_News = Orig_News[,-ncol(Orig_News)]
scores = cbind(Optimism, Positive, Negative)
ym = dat_news[,1]
news = aggregate(dat_new,by = list(ym),FUN = "mean")
news = news[match('199601',news[,1]):match('201012',news[,1]),]
dat_news = news
dat_news = as.matrix(dat_news[,2])
endDate = ymd(20101231)
Date = endDate %m-% months(c(0:(dim(news)[1]-1)))
Date = rev(Date)
nDate = Date[(length(Date)-174):length(Date )]
ndat_Z = dat_Z[(nrow(dat_Z)-179):(nrow(dat_Z)),]
nndat_Z = as.matrix(cbind(ndat_Z,as.matrix(dat_news)))
testt = uncert(as.matrix(dat_news),nndat_Z,mean=F)
newssent2 = testt[,2]
newssent1 = testt[,1]
newssent2 = newssent[,2]
k = 12
Date = nDate[-c(1:(k-1))]
newssent1 = rollmean(newssent1,12)
Newssent1 = scale(newssent1)
Newssent2 = rollmean(scale(newssent2),k)
BWsent = scale(nBWsent)[-c(1:(k-1))]
PLSsent = scale(nPLS)[-c(1:(k-1))]
lines(Date,PLSsent,type="l",col="blue",lty =2)
legend("topright",legend = c("Newssent1", "PLSsent","BWsent"),
text.width = strwidth("Newssent1"),
lty=c(1,2,5),col=c("black","blue","red"), title = "Sentiment Types")
lines(Date,PLSsent,type="l",col="blue",lty =2)
legend("topright",legend = c("Newssent2", "PLSsent","BWsent"),
text.width = strwidth("Newssent2"),
lty=c(1,2,5),col=c("black","blue","red"), title = "Sentiment Types")