This tool makes it easy to deploy from CI to Portainer, without loosing original compose file (stackfile) contents in Portainer.
All it does is read the compose file, replace the image of given service (in a very naive way) and shove updated compose file back into Portainer.
This fork is based on vvarp's gitlab-portainer-deploy, which doesn't preserve compose-file and requires local compose file in repository.
In .gitlab-ci.yml
stage: deploy
image: gruszex/gitlab-portainer-deploy
- deploy --stack_name=xxx --service-name=yyy --new-image=zzz:1.0 -e SOME_STACKFILE_VAR=value
- OR:
- deploy --stack_name=xxx --service-name=yyy,aaa --new-image=zzz:1.0 -e SOME_STACKFILE_VAR=value
- docker
Rationale for this kind of behaviour is not to loose, often complex, compose file from eyesight and to still be able to update it manually inside Portainer. Also not to have to sync common parts of compose file (e.g. networks, volumes, anchors) between multiple repositories that push services to the same stack.
The reason for not parsing yaml is keeping anchors and links untouched. Yaml parsers expand anchors and links, destroying original compose file (ruamel.yaml was supposed to manage this without expanding them but failed with real world compose files).
This introduced a constraint to compose yaml: image
must be specified as first item
in service definition.
For easy local testing, make a virtualenv and install the code
with the following command:
pip install --editable .
From now on you have deploy
command available in this env.