This ghidra script renames some AUTOSAR functions by exploiting information provided by the DET module.
Copy scripts in the ghidra python console (or put it in the ghidrai_script folder)
jsonFile = "/../AUTOSAR_rename/AUTOSAR-4.4.json"
detFuncList = [0x80098678, 0x8009869a] # list containing Det_repportError function address
detSubFuncList = [[0x800a05fc, 10]] # list containing Macro Det_repportError associated with a ModuleId, this argument is not mandatory and can be replaced with an empty list
det_rename(jsonFile, detFuncList, detSubFuncList)
@80098678: Std_ReturnType Det_ReportError (uint16 ModuleId, uint8 InstanceId, uint8 ApiId, uint8 ErrorId)
{ ... }
@800a05fc: Std_ReturnType Det_ReportError_Module10 ( uint8 ErrorId) {
Det_ReportError(10,InstanceId, ApiId, ErrorId)
This method is presented during the SSTIC conference ( AUTOSAR standard defines some functions that should be implemented for each module. Each function is described with a specific prototype and is identified by a couple (ModuleID, serviceID). For example, TcpIp_TcpListen function has prototype "Std_ReturnType TcpIp_TcpListen(TcpIp_SocketIdType SocketId, uint16 MaxChannels )" and is identified by ModuleID=170 and serviceID=0x07. For each det_repport_error function call, the script :
- Parse det_repport arguments call to identify the ModuleID and the ServiceID
- Identify the AUTOSAR function associated to the ModuleID and ServiceID
- Rename the function associated to AUTOSAR function (by looking at a function having the same header inside the call stack)
This script was tested with the Ghidra version (10.3 2023-jan-23).