This Android application allows you to communicate with the Empatica E3 wristband device. It uses the Android Empatica API version 1.4.
It allows you to monitor in real-time (via Bluetooth) the physiological activity (heart rate, electrodermal activity, body temperature) of someone wearing the device.
The app allows you to:
- record a baseline of the physiological activity (you can configure the duration of the baseline)
- record the physiological activity during an experiment (the experiment can be divided into multiple sessions, which can be of different durations)
- tag specific moments of the experiment
- save the data in text files
In order to be able to build and run the application, you will need to add a file 'privatekey.xml' in 'app/src/main/res/values/' with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="empatica_key">YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY</string>
Please take into account that possible bugs are present in this software. I do not take any responsability in case of problems (e.g., data loss)