This package is for use in .NET 9 Blazor projects.
The Blazor.Monaco
package provides a Blazor component which adds the
Monaco Editor to your Blazor pages. This is the same engine that powers
VS Code. The package handles adding all the required components to your
site and the interaction between your C# and JavaScript. By default, Blazor.Monaco
loads the Monaco Editor libraries from CloudFlare,
but you can specify your own location as well.
To add to your project, add the package with dotnet.exe:
dotnet add package Blazor.Monaco
To install, add one line to your program.cs
If you need to use another version, or a different CDN you can specify this in startup:
builder.Services.AddBlazorMonacoComponents(config =>
//Change this to specify your own CDN. Must be a full URL.
config.MonacoLoaderUrl = "";
To add to your page, simply add:
@code {
private string MyScript { get; set; } = string.Empty;
If the ScriptContent is null or empty, it will print add example text, relevant to the language.
: The id for the editor component. If not set, a GUID is used.ScriptContent
: The text that should be displayed.Language
: Quick way to set the language for the editor. This changes how the contents are displayed.EditorOptions
: Provide an options object here to specify any option. The Language property above will override the language set in the options. Useprivate EditorOptions _editorOptions = new();
to initialize a new instance.Style
: Apply this CSS styling to the editor component.Class
: Apply this CSS class to the editor component.OnEventCallback<bool> OnContentChanged
: This is fired the first time when content has changed from initialScriptContent
, and again when changes are manually reverted to original content.EventCallback OnSaveRequested
: This is fired when the user presses Ctrl+S in the editor window.
If both the Style and Class are undefined, a fallback style of min-height: 10em;
is applied. Be sure to provide the proper height for your pages.
For two-way interaction with the Monaco Editor, such as getting the current contents, you need to apply a reference to the component tag and access its methods:
@page "/YourPage"
@using Blazor.Monaco
@rendermode InteractiveServer
<MonacoEditor @ref="_monacoEditorInstance" />
@code {
private MonacoEditor _monacoEditorInstance = null!;
@page "/YourPage"
@using Blazor.Monaco
@rendermode InteractiveServer
<MonacoEditor @ref="_editor" />
@code {
private MonacoEditor _editor = null!;
private EditorOptions _editorOptions = new();
private async Task MyAction()
//Read current contents
var contents = await _editor.GetEditorContent();
//Set updated contents
await _editor.SetEditorContent(contents);
//update editor's configuration
await _editor.UpdateEditorConfiguration(_editorOptions);
//re-initialize the editor in the browser
await _editor.ReInitializeEditor();
@page "/YourPage"
@using Blazor.Monaco
@rendermode InteractiveServer
@ref="_editor" />
@code {
private MonacoEditor _editor = null!;
private void OnEditorContentChanged(bool hasChanged)
Console.WriteLine($"OnEditorContentChanged: {hasChanged}");
private async Task OnEditorSaveRequested()
var contents = await _editor.GetEditorContent(resetChangedOnRead: true);
// handle saving the contents
If the editor does not display at all, you may be missing interactive rendermode. Either add this with @rendermode InteractiveServer
at the top of your page, or in App.razor
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
.... snip ....
<Routes @rendermode="InteractiveServer"/>
<script src="_framework/blazor.web.js"></script>