Poll Everyone, a clone of Poll Everywhere, is a live polling / survey web application that allows:
- presenters to create and edit multiple choice questions, and organize them into groups
- participants to answer activated polls from their own devices via a custom link
- audiences and presenters to view results in real time
- Backend
- Ruby on Rails
- Action Cable (WebSockets)
- PostgreSQL
- GraphQL Ruby with batch loading (in combination with RESTful routing)
- Frontend
- React & React-Router
- Redux for UI state management
- React Query & Relay for data fetching & caching
- Recharts for graphing poll results
- Custom list order management using SQL window functions & more (Orderable)
- Many custom hooks (See here)
- A highly customized Recharts graph with dynamic sizing and labeling (check it out)
- Some overkill, like waiting a second to render until the font has loaded (no FOUT😤) and prefetching dynamic imports in routed components.
Poll Everywhere has undergone a redesign since I cloned it; check out these screen grabs to see the previous design.
I'd recommend testing the realtime results by using two devices or browsers: presenting on one, and participating on the other
Right now, data fetching and caching is done with Relay for the dashboard, and with React Query for the other pages, as well as for all data mutations.
- I started with Redux-only, using Redux Thunk middleware for API-related actions.
- Then, I looked into caching-oriented solutions and converted everything to React Query.
- Finally, I wanted to learn GraphQL, and was curious about the React Suspense integration provided by Relay, so I partially migrated over to Relay / GraphQL
- Because of this in-progress, hybrid solution, I didn't implement optimistic updates for mutations made on the dashboard.
Complete GraphQL implementation
Improve accessibility
Add drag and drop functionality to polls in the polls index
Build out poll configurations and settings