php-lazy-proxy-loading is a package which tries to ease in the process of loading PHP classes (or services) by using a lazy strategy. This comes in handy when working with Dependency Injection containers which are in charge of building the services of many applications.
This package does so by providing a Proxy Class Factory which can create a Proxy Class for any PHP Class or service. Real service is only built when the service is really needed, that is at first call of its public methods.
It is specially interesting to combine this library with Laravel framework, given the fact that currently there's no a bult-in strategy in this framework to provide lazy-loading of services. We started this library in order to solve Dependency Injection issues we had using Laravel that could be solver very easily by lazy-loading some services.
composer require golossus/php-lazy-proxy-loading
Basic usage example:
use Golossus\LazyProxyLoading\ProxyClassFactory;
$myClassProxy = ProxyClassFactory::create(\MyClass::class, function () {
return new \MyClass(/* dependencies */);
It's worth noting in the above example $myClassProxy
extends MyClass
type, and it serves as an adapter behaving as
the underlying service, so it can be injected seamlessly as the real service. Final service will be built once we call
any of its public methods by using the callback function passed as second argument of the ProxyClassFactory::create
echo $myProxyClass->myClassPrublicMethod(); // MyClass service is created at this point
echo $myProxyClass->myClassPrublicMethod(); // MyClass service is already created at this point, so it's not re-built
For Laravel framework, this package provides a special trait to seamlessly use the proxy factory with its Dependency
Injection container. You can use
the trait in any Laravel service provider and define any service as lazy
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Golossus\LazyProxyLoading\LazyLoadingTrait;
class MainProvider extends ServiceProvider
use LazyLoadingTrait;
public function register()
// common laravel service registration, not lazy
$this->app->singleton(CustomMailingService::class, function () {
$mailer = $this->app->make(Mailer::class);
return new CustomMailingService($mailer);
// or same service registration but lazy loaded
$this->app->singleton(...$this->lazy(CustomMailingService::class, function () {
$mailer = $this->app->make(Mailer::class);
return new CustomMailingService($mailer);
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