This is a straight forward automation task, with backend (restful, json based api) and frontend html checking.
It shouldn't take more than 2 hours of your time, and all code should be submitted by a public github or gitlabs repo. Try and include a few commits to indicate how you built-up the tests. Instructions on how to run should be included in a file included in the repo.
Using any framework of your choice
Check the github public users API for the userid '6wl'
Check the following in the JSON response body
- name = Gregory Loscombe
- id = 15330
- location = Manchester
- public repos = 6
- public gists = 11
- followers = 21
- following = 34
Also check any HTTP headers and response code you see as sensible.
Try and make the test as flexible as possible
Using selenium as a driver in any framework, and the resp from the above api
Validate the HTML presentation layer is correctly displaying the information returned from the api, for the userid '6wl'
This test should be flexible enough to allow re-pointing to any userid, and read the data from the API to determine that the frontend should render
Check the following appears in the page
- name = Gregory Loscombe
- location = Manchester
- public repos = 7
- public gists = 11
- followers = 21
- following = 34
This should ideally follow page object best practise.