A sample Rust API for a word game. This is half an experiment in Rust and half an experiment in solving Wordle puzzles. To test solving algorithms, I needed an API to emulate a Wordle game, so I wrote one.
PRs welcome to fix issues, follow best practices, or add features.
You can pull the latest version of the container from Docker Hub and run it:
docker run -P 8000:8000 glitchassassin/wurtle-api
Then make a POST request to http://localhost:8000/guess with a JSON body like the following:
"guess": "train"
The response will include your results, as well as a "word" property, which is a unique key for the random word you've been given:
"result": [
"word": 4869,
"win": false
For future guesses against the same word, just include it in your request body:
"guess": "truck",
"word": 4869