Apex Advisor is an analysis tool built into Oracle Apex to help you verify your applications.
It will check for:
- Programming errors
- Security issues
- Warnings
- Performance
- Usability
- Quality assurance
- Accessibility
It was only really designed to be invoked from the web interface. A bit of work is needed in order to call it from PL/SQL, which you will probably want to do if you want to automate the process.
This package makes the job of calling it from PL/SQL easier.
It has been tested with Apex 5 and Apex 18.2.
It is easier to compile the package in the Apex schema (i.e. APEX_050000 or APEX_180200). The results table you can store anywhere, as long as you give the necessary grants to the schema where the package is compiled.
-- Check all applications asynchronously
exec pk_apex_advisor.execute_advisor_async();
-- Check all applications synchronously
exec pk_apex_advisor.execute_advisor();
-- Check one application asynchronously
exec pk_apex_advisor.execute_advisor_async(123);
-- Check one application synchronously
exec pk_apex_advisor.execute_advisor(123);
The procedures without parameters will not execute the advisor for applications that have not been updated since the last execution.