This project contains a java client for the Qdrant vector database. The client supports HTTP and gRPC transport in either blocking or non-blocking fashion. For async operation a Future
or RxJava3 based API can be used.
or for the HTTP client
NOTE: The http client currently (as of v1.0.1 of Qdrant) supports more methods compared to the gRPC client.
This client was build and tested for Qdrant server version v1.0.1
. Minimum required JRE is current LTS version 17.
try (QDrantGRPCClient client = QDrantGRPCClient.builder()
.build()) {
// Define the collection to store vectors
VectorParams params = VectorParams.newBuilder()
// Create new collections - blocking
client.createCollection("test1", params).sync();
// .. or via Future API
client.createCollection("test2", params).async().get();
// .. or via RxJava API
client.createCollection("test3", params).rx().blockingGet();
// Insert a new vectors
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Vector of the point
float[] vector = new float[] { 0.43f + i, 0.1f, 0.61f, 1.45f - i };
// Payload of the point
Map<String, Value> payload = new HashMap<>();
payload.put("color", ModelHelper.value("blue"));
// Now construct the point
PointStruct point = ModelHelper.point(42L + i, vector, payload);
// .. and insert it
client.upsertPoint("test1", point, true).sync();
// Count points
long nPoints = client.countPoints("test1", null, true).sync().getResult().getCount();
// Now run KNN search
float[] searchVector = new float[] { 0.43f, 0.09f, 0.41f, 1.35f };
List<ScoredPoint> searchResults = client.searchPoints("test1", searchVector, 2, null).sync().getResultList();
for (ScoredPoint result : searchResults) {
System.out.println("Found: [" + result.getId().getNum() + "] " + result.getScore());
// Invoke backup via Snapshot API
try (QDrantHttpClient client = QDrantHttpClient.builder()
.build()) {
// Create a collection
CollectionCreateRequest req = new CollectionCreateRequest();
req.setVectors("colors", 4, Distance.EUCLID);
client.createCollection("the-collection-name", req).sync();
// Now add some points
PointStruct p1 = PointStruct.of("colors", 0.42f, 0.33f, 42.15f, 68.72f)
.setPayload("{\"name\": \"first\"}")
PointStruct p2 = PointStruct.of("colors", 0.76f, 0.43f, 63.45f, 22.10f)
.setPayload("{ \"color\": \"red\"}")
PointStruct p3 = PointStruct.of("colors", 0.41f, 0.32f, 42.11f, 68.71f).setId(3);
PointStruct p4 = PointStruct.of("colors", 0.12f, 0.23f, 12.46f, 47.17f).setId(4);
PointsListUpsertRequest pointsRequest = new PointsListUpsertRequest();
pointsRequest.setPoints(p1, p2, p3, p4);
client.upsertPoints("the-collection-name", pointsRequest, false).async().blockingGet();
// List the collections
// Count the points in the collection
client.countPoints("the-collection-name", new PointCountRequest().setExact(true)).sync();
# Update maven version to next release + Update jreleaser.yml version
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# Now run tests locally or via GitHub actions
mvn clean package
# Deploy to maven central and auto-close staging repo.
# Adding the property will trigger the profiles in the parent pom to include gpg,javadoc...
mvn clean deploy -Drelease
# 1. Update version in jreleaser.yml
# 2. Check config
jreleaser config
# 3. Invoke release (will update github releases and create git tag)
jreleaser full-release