Releases: git-moss/ProjectConverter
Releases · git-moss/ProjectConverter
ProjectConverter 1.2.10
ProjectConverter 1.2.9
- New: Support for FLAC files.
- New: Source project file and destination path stores now the last 20 selections.
- New: Create output folder automatically if it does not exist.
- New: Support for Send parameters enable and panorama.
- DAWproject to Reaper
- Fixed: DAWproject file with mixed beat and seconds time units might have wrong positions and lengths.
- Fixed: Several fixes to positioning and offsets for complex wrapped clips.
- Fixed: Devices were missing on group tracks.
- Reaper to DAWproject
- New: Support for linear time changes (but does currently not work in any other DAW).
ProjectConverter 1.2.7
- Fixed: Group was missing when it was the 1st track in a group.
ProjectConverter 1.2.6
- Several accessibility improvements and fixes:
- Button mnemonics were partially broken.
- Improved order of tabulator traversal.
- Added more tooltip info
- Set default button states, can be execute by pressing Return.
ProjectConverter 1.2.5
- New: Huge speed up of media file extraction from DAWproject.
- Fixed: Clips could be missing if a parent wrapper clip had no duration set.
ProjectConverter 1.2.4
- Fixed: Texts in tabs did not show up on Linux.
ProjectConverter 1.2.3
Tempo unit was set to ‘linear’ but needs to ‘bpm’. Bitwig ignores this setting but Studio One
does not.
ProjectConverter 1.2.2
New build to fix crash on Macos.
ProjectConverter 1.2.1
- New: Added option on Reaper source to not add audio files to the DAWproject file and keep their original (relative or absolute) file path.
- New: Do not stop DAWproject file creation if an audio file is missing.
ProjectConverter 1.2.0
- New: DAWproject Clip Launcher clips can be converted into the Reaper arranger.
- New: DAWproject Clip Launcher clips can be converted into the DAWproject arranger.
- New: Improved user interface.
- New: Improved layout of manual.
- Fixed: WAV files in 32-bit float and OGG-files had a duration of 0 set in the DAWproject target.
- Fixed: Media files were not added to the destination project when converting DAWproject to DAWproject.