Private dotfiles for Initial environment setting for Mac.
- Alfred
- Contexts
- Docker
- iTerm2
- You should install Powerline-patched fonts to render 'agnoster' theme of zsh
- Timing
- JetBrains
- VSCode
- Magnet
- 1Password
- Chrome
- Karabiner
- brew
- tmux
- fzf
- cmake
- pyenv
- pipenv
- zsh
- oh my zsh
oh my zsh started after installation agnoster, fonts change iterm fonts into 12pt DejaVu with powerline use solarzied dark preset chsh doesn't work in OS X;
- sshfs
- bat
- tmux-xpanes
- vim
- install cmake first
- plugged
- .zshrc
- .vimrc
- .ideavimrc (JetBrains, ideavim)
- settings.json (VSCode)
- .tmux.conf
- karabiner.json
- git config