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Tweaked version of Intel QST SDK to work with mainline Linux mei driver


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       README file for the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology (QST) SDK.

                       SDK Version 2.1; September 2009

       Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Table of contents:

1.  Legal Information
2.  Implementing Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs
3.  How to Obtain Documentation
4.  Intel(R) QST SDK Overview
5.  Files Included in the SDK
6.  Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Windows*
7.  Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for DOS
8.  Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Linux
9.  Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Solaris*
10. Known Issues

1. Legal Information

Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  - Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
    without specific prior written permission.



Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time,
without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of
any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves
these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for
conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The
information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design
with this information.

The products described in this document may contain design defects or
errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published
specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.

Intel(R) Active Management Technology requires the computer system to have
an Intel(R) AMT-enabled chipset, network hardware and software, as well as
connection with a power source and a corporate network connection. Setup
requires configuration by the purchaser and may require scripting with the
management console or further integration into existing security frameworks
to enable certain functionality. It may also require modifications of
implementation of new business processes. With regard to notebooks, Intel AMT
may not be available or certain capabilities may be limited over a host OS-
based VPN or when connecting wirelessly, on battery power, sleeping,
hibernating or powered off.  For more information, see

Intel and Intel vPro are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

2. Implementing Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs

Intel(R) QST is implemented as a firmware subsystem that runs on the Intel(R)
Management Engine (ME). A special hardware interface, the Intel(R) Management
Engine Interface (MEI), facilitates communication between host processor-based
software and firmware subsystems running on the Intel(R) ME. Programs designed
to expose the health monitoring and fan speed control capabilities of Intel(R)
QST will use this interface to communicate with this subsystem.

This SDK includes the source for building software libraries that simplify the
implementation of programs wishing to expose the health monitoring and/or fan
speed control capabilities of Intel(R) QST. These libraries implement two
software layers:

*   The Intel(R) QST Communications Layer (CL) simplifies communications with
    Intel(R) QST. It removes the need for programs to interface directly with
    the Intel(R) MEI driver and/or hardware and hides most of the complexities
    of the Intel(R) ME communications protocols.

*   The Intel(R) QST Instrumentation Layer (IL) simplifies the instrumentation
    of the health monitoring capabilities of Intel(R) QST. It provides a
    clean, hardware-independent interface for enumerating and exposing
    information about the sensors and controllers monitored/managed by
    Intel(R) QST. It removes the need for programs to deal with the command-
    response packet protocol used during communications with Intel(R) QST.

3. How to Obtain Documentation

The Intel(R) QST Programmer's Reference Manual is the definitive source for
information regarding how programs interface with Intel(R) QST. It details how
to communicate with Intel(R) QST using the low-level API and the raw command-
response packet protocol that is exposed by the Intel(R) QST Communications
Layer, as well as the high-level API that is used to enumerate and access the
 health information that is organized and exposed by the Intel(R) QST IL.

The Intel(R) QST Programmer's Reference Manual is distributed separately from
the SDK. Contact your Intel Representative for more information regarding how
you can obtain this document.

4. Intel(R) QST SDK Overview

The Intel(R) QST SDK is typically packaged as a ZIP file. Using a tool
appropriate to your development environment, extract the contents of this ZIP
file to a directory on your hard drive. Be aware that this ZIP file contains
subdirectories; be sure to specify that embedded directory (folder) names
should be used during the extraction process.

The SDK contains the following subdirectories:

    src\Common          Provides source modules that are common to the various
                        Intel(R) QST libraries, sample programs and services.

    src\Include         Provides the standard Intel(R) QST header files.

    src\Libraries       Provides source and project files for building the
                        Intel(R) QST libraries. This includes script and/or
                        make files that support the build of these libraries
                        for DOS, Windows, Solaris and Linux environments.

    src\Programs        Provides source and project files for the sample
                        programs. This includes script and/or make files that
                        support the build of these programs for the supported
                        DOS, Windows, Solaris and Linux environments.

    src\Services        Provides source and project files for the sample
                        services. At this time, the sample services provided
                        are specific to the Windows environment

The SDK provides source and project files for a number of libraries. For all
supported environments (DOS, Windows, Linux and Solaris), source and project
files are provided for building the afore-mentioned Intel(R) QST CL and IL
libraries. In addition, source and project files are provided for two
additional libraries:

    libSMART            This library, implemented as a Windows Dynamic Link
                        Library (DLL), provides support for extracting
                        temperature information from hard disk drives. It
                        provides support for SATA hard disk drives that are
                        managed by the Intel(R) Matrix Storage Technology
                        device driver (including those contained within RAID
                        arrays) and all other hard drives (SATA, IDE, etc.)
                        that are managed by device drivers that implement
                        support for Microsoft's S.M.A.R.T. IOCTL interface.

                  Note: Since the source for this DLL is included in the SDK,
                        the user may extend its capabilities to include
                        support for the IOCTL interfaces of other device
                        drivers. For example, support could be added for SCSI,
                        SAS, SAN, etc. If you do develop such an extension,
                        consider providing it to Intel for inclusion in
                        subsequent releases of this SDK...

    QstInstX            This library, also implemented as a DLL, provides an
                        ActiveX encapsulation of the Intel(R) QST IL.
                        This encapsulation provides language-independent
                        interfaces that can be used in scripted (JavaScript,
                        etc.) and managed (COM, .NET, etc.) environments.

The SDK provides four sample programs:

    BusTest             Demonstrates how to send commands directly to sensor
                        and controller devices. This includes devices on the
                        SST Bus, the PECI Bus (providing access to the digital
                        thermal sensors (DTS) of Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 and later
                        processors) and the chipset itself (an SST Device
                        abstraction is built around the DTS in the ICH, G/MCH
                        and/or PCH and the primary fan speed sensors and
                        controllers in the ICH or PCH).

    InstTest            Demonstrates how to make use of the services of the
                        Intel(R) QST IL to expose readings/settings from the
                        sensors and fan speed controllers that are being
                        managed by Intel(R) QST.

    InstXTest           Demonstrates how to use the services of the QstInstX
                        ActiveX library, in this case using compiled
                        JavaScript, to expose readings/settings from the
                        sensors and fan speed controllers that are being
                        managed by Intel(R) QST.

    StatTest            Demonstrates how to communicate with Intel(R) QST
                        using its command packet interface, in order to expose
                        both the status of Intel(R) QST and the status of the
                        sensors and controllers being managed by it.

Note: To more effectively demonstrate how to develop Intel(R) QST-aware
programs that can be easily retargeted to the various runtime environments,
the BusTest, InstTest and StatTest sample programs restrict themselves to the
use of only Standard C Library functions and basic text I/O. This should not
be misconstrued to mean that environment-specific graphical applications
cannot also be developed, however.

The SDK provides three sample services. These are presently specific to the
Windows runtime environment. Porting them to, for example, Linux or Solaris
(daemon) environments is left as an exercise for the users. The sample
services provided are:

    QstDiskServ         Demonstrates how to effectively use Intel(R) QST's
                        Virtual Temperature Monitoring capability, which
                        allows temperature inputs that are not directly
                        accessible by Intel(R) QST to be included in the fan
                        speed control decision-making process. In this case,
                        we are talking about temperature readings that are
                        extracted from disk drives that support S.M.A.R.T.
                        technology and expose a temperature attribute.

                  Note: See file "Src/Services/QstDiskServ/README" for more
                        information regarding the creation and use of the
                        QstDiskServ Service.

                  Note: The package also provides the source for a sample
                        program, QstDiskTest, that can be used to determine
                        which of the hard disk drives present can be supported
                        by the service and expose temperature readings. In
                        addition to outputting useful information about the
                        hard drives that are present, the program, when
                        terminating, will set the errorlevel variable to the
                        number of hard drive(s) that can be supported by the
                        service. This allows it to be used in installation
                        scripts and programs to determine whether the Service
                        should be installed...

    QstProtServ         Demonstrates how to set up a service that will monitor
                        the status of Intel(R) QST in the background. Should
                        any Temperature Monitor enter the Non-Recoverable
                        state (due to sensor failure or critically high
                        temperature readings), the Service will cause the
                        system to be powered down in an orderly manner,
                        thereby protecting it from thermal damage.

    QstProxyServ        In newer Windows releases (Windows* Vista*, Windows*
                        7, etc.), the User Access Control (UAC) security
                        facility will block non-privileged applications from
                        executing if they attempt to communicate directly with
                        device drivers. This folder demonstrates how to set
                        up a service that can proxy Intel(R) QST IL and CL
                        operations so that this issue can be avoided.

                  Note: In order to utilize this Service, alternate
                        implementations of the Intel(R) QST IL and CL DLLs
                        that communicate with Intel(R) QST through this proxy
                        service. Source for these alternate implementations
                        (named QstProxyInst and QstProxyComm, respectively)
                        is provided in the src\Libraries\Windows directory.

5. Files Included in the SDK

The following files are included in the SDK:

Root folder:

    BuildAll.bat        Script file that will build DOS and Windows binaries
                        for all libraries, programs and services.

    COPYING             COPYING file.

    makefile            Linux/Solaris makefile that copies the Intel(R) QST
                        header files into /usr/include, builds & installs the
                        Intel(R) QST CL and IL Libraries into /usr/lib
                        (/lib/64 on 64-bit Solaris) and builds the sample

    README              This file.

Folder src/Common:

    AccessQst.c         Support module that instruments the sensors and
                        controllers being managed by Intel(R) QST. It shows
                        how to process information directly from Intel(R) QST,
                        rather than use the Intel(R) QST IL.

    AccessQst.h         Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the AccessQst module.

    Fan.ico             The famous Intel(R) QST Fan icon.

    QstCompactConfig.c  Support module providing a routine that can be used to
                        compact the Intel(R) QST Configuration Payload for
                        subsequent storage or transmission to Intel(R) QST 2.0

    QstCompactConfig.h  Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        type for the QstCompactConfig module.

    QstConfigManipCommon.h Header file providing common definitions for the
                        QstCompactConfig and QstExpandConfig modules.

    QstExpandConfig.c   Support module providing a routine that can be used to
                        expand the compacted Intel(R) QST Configuration
                        Payload that has been read from a Binary Configuration
                        File or extracted from Intel(R) QST 2.0 Subsystems.

    QstExpandConfig.h   Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        type for the QstExpandConfig module.

    UsageStr.c          Support module that provides routines exposing usage
                        strings for the various sensor and controller types.

    UsageStr.h          Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the UsageStr module.

Folder src/Common/Windows:

    QstComm.c           Helper module that provides support for the dynamic
                        linking of Windows programs with the Communications
                        Layer (QstComm) DLL. Modules like this are not needed
                        for programs that statically link to the DLL.

    QstInst.c           Helper module that provides support for the dynamic
                        linking of Windows programs with the Intel(R) QST IL
                        (QstInst) DLL. Modules like this are not needed for
                        programs that statically link to the DLL.

    QstProxyComm.h      Header file providing definitions for communications
                        with the Intel(R) QST Subsystem via the Proxy Service.

    QstProxyInst.h      Header file providing definitions for communications
                        with the Proxy Service to instrument the sensors and
                        controllers being managed by Intel(R) QST.

    RegAccess.c         Support module providing support for accessing the
                        Windows Registry.

    RegAccess.h         Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the RegAccess module.

    Service.c           Support module that provides a framework simplifying
                        the task of implementing & managing Windows Services.
                        This framework provides support for using a Service's
                        executable to install and uninstall the service from
                        the Windows Service Manager and to query whether or
                        not the service is active. These extra capabilities
                        are extremely helpful during the development of new

    Service.h           Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the Service framework.

    SMART.c             Helper module that provides support for the dynamic
                        linking of Windows programs with the libSMART DLL.

    SMART.h             Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the libSMART DLL.

Folder src/Include:

    Build.h             Header file defining the build number to be included
                        in version strings produced by the next build of the

    QstCfg.h            Header file providing definitions for the contents of
                        Intel(R) QST 2.0 Binary Configuration Payloads.

    QstCfgLeg.h         Header file providing definitions for the contents of
                        legacy (1.x) Intel(R) QST Binary Configuration

    QstCmd.h            Header file providing definitions for Intel(R) QST 2.0
                        and SST/PECI commands.

    QstCmdLeg.h         Header file providing definitions for legacy (1.x)
                        Intel(R) QST and SST/PECI commands.

    QstComm.h           Header file providing definitions for Intel(R) QST 2.0
                        Communications Layer.

    QstInst.h           Header file providing definitions for Intel(R) QST IL.

    typedef.h           Header file providing basic type definitions for
                        Intel(R) QST.

Folder src/Libraries:

    BuildAll.bat        Script file that will build DOS and Windows binaries
                        for all libraries.

Folder src/Libraries/Common:

    AccessQst.c         Intel(R) QST IL module that provides support for the
                        enumeration and monitoring of the sensors and
                        controllers being managed by Intel(R) QST. It is a
                        custom version of the AccessQst common module.

    AccessQst.h         Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the AccessQst module.

    BFileIO.c           Support module providing support for buffered file
                        I/O. This is used to increase the performance of the
                        INIFile module.

    BFileIO.h           Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the BFileIO module.

    Critsect.h          Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for CritSect modules, which provide environment-
                        specific support for critical code sections.

    GlobMem.h           Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for GlobMem modules, which provide environment-
                        specific support for global memory segments.

    INIFile.c           Support module providing support for INI file I/O.

    INIFile.h           Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the INIFile module.

    LegTranslationFuncs.c Support module providing functions that are used by
                        the Communications Library to provide support for
                        using the Intel(R) QST 2.0 command interface on
                        Intel(R) QST 1.x Subsystems and/or using the Intel(R)
                        QST 1.x command interface on Intel(R) QST 2.0

    LegTranslationFuncs.h Header file providing definitions and function
                        prototypes for the LegTranslationFuncs module.

    MilliTime.c         Support module providing environment-specific timing
                        functions with millisecond resolution.

    MilliTime.h         Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the MilliTime module.

    QstDll.c            Main module for Intel(R) QST IL. It provides
                        environment-specific support for the library to be
                        initialized (as DLL on Windows, SO File on Linux and
                        Solaris and as simple library on DOS).

    QstDll.h            Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the QstDll module.

    QstInst.c           Intel(R) QST IL module that implements the public API
                        of the library.

Folder src/Libraries/DOS:

    Build.bat           Script for building the DOS versions of the
                        Intel(R) QST IL and CL libraries.

    CritSect.c          Support module implementing DOS support for critical
                        code sections.

    GlobMem.c           Support module implementing DOS support for global
                        memory segments.

    heci.c              Support module implementing DOS support for the
                        Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.

    heci.h              Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the heci module.

    HeciMsg.h           Header file providing definitions for the connection-
                        less communications protocol used in the DOS and BIOS

    QstComm.c           Main module of the Communications Library for the DOS

Folder src/Libraries/Linux:

    CritSect.c          Support module implementing Linux support for critical
                        code sections.

    GlobMem.c           Support module implementing Linux support for global
                        memory segments.

    heci.c              Support module providing an interface to the Linux
                        Intel(R) Management Engine Interface device driver.

    heci.h              Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        ypes for the heci module.

    makefile            Make file for building the Intel(R) QST IL and CL
                        libraries (Shared-Object files) for Linux. Use command
                        "make install" to build the libraries and have them
                        installed to the /usr/lib directory.

    QstComm.c           Main module of the Communications Library for the
                        Linux environment.

Folder src/Libraries/Solaris:

    CritSect.c          Support module implementing Solaris support for
                        critical code sections.

    GlobMem.c           Support module implementing Solaris support for global
                        memory segments.

    heci.c              Support module providing an interface to the Solaris
                        Intel(R) Management Engine Interface device driver.

    heci.h              Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        ypes for the heci module.

    makefile            Make file for building the Intel(R) QST IL and CL
                        libraries (Shared-Object files) for Solaris. Use
                        command "make install" to build the libraries and have
                        them installed to the /usr/lib directory (/lib/64 on
                        64-bit Solaris).

    QstComm.c           Main module of the Intel(R) QST CL library for the
                        Solaris environment.

Folder src/Libraries/Windows:

    Build.bat           Script for building the Windows versions of the
                        Intel(R) QST IL and CL libraries (DLLs).

    CompVerC.h          Header file providing versioning information for the
                        Windows version of the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    CompVerI.h          Header file providing versioning information for the
                        Windows version of the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    CritSect.c          Support module implementing Windows support for
                        critical code sections.

    CSMIIOCTL.h         Header file providing definitions for the CSMI IOCTL
                        interface used by the Intel(R) Matrix Storage
                        Technology driver.

    CSMISMART.c         Module implementing support for extracting S.M.A.R.T.
                        attribute information from HDDs being managed by the
                        Intel(R) Matrix Storage Technology driver.

    CSMISMART.h         Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the CSMISMART module.

    GlobMem.c           Support module implementing Windows support for global
                        memory segments.

    IDESMART.c          Module implementing support for extracting S.M.A.R.T.
                        attribute information from HDDs being managed by
                        drivers supporting the Microsoft S.M.A.R.T. IOCTLs.

    IDESMART.h          Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the CSMISMART module.

    libSMART.c          Main module for the libSMART DLL, which provides
                        support for extracting S.M.A.R.T. attribute
                        information from HDDs.

    libSMART.def        Interface definition file for the libSMART DLL.

    libSMART.dsp        Visual Studio project file for the libSMART DLL.

    libSMART.h          Header file providing definitions for extracting
                        S.M.A.R.T. attribute information from HDDs.

    libSMART.rc         Resource definitions file for the libSMART DLL.

    QstComm.c           Main module of the Communications Library for the
                        Windows environment.

    QstComm.def         Interface definition file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    QstComm.dsp         Visual Studio project file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    QstComm.rc          Resource definitions file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    QstCommD.c          Alternate Communications module for the Windows
                        environment that provides an application with direct
                        access to the Intel MEI Driver. It is used where
                        access using the normal DLL is not possible (such as
                        in a Service that sits under an alternate version of
                        the QstComm DLL).

    QstInst.def         Interface definition file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST IL library.

    QstInst.dsp         Visual Studio project file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST IL library.

    QstInst.rc          Resource definitions file for the the Windows version
                        of the Intel(R) QST IL library.

    QstProxyComm.c      Main module for the alternate (Proxy Server) version
                        of the the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    QstProxyComm.dsp    Visual Studio project file for the alternate (Proxy
                        Server) version of the Intel(R) QST CL library (DLL).

    QstProxyInst.c      Main module for the alternate (Proxy Server) version
                        of the Intel(R) QST IL library (DLL).

    QstProxyInst.dsp    Visual Studio project file for alternate (Proxy
                        Server) version of the Intel(R) QST IL library (DLL).

    resource.h          Resource header file for the Intel(R) QST CL and IL

Folder src/Libraries/Windows/QstInstX:

    Build.bat           Script file used ot build the QstInstX DLL.

    CompVer.h           Header file providing versioning information for the
                        QstInstX DLL.

    QstController.cpp   Module implementing the Fan Speed Controller ActiveX

    QstController.h     Header file providing definitions for the Fan Speed
                        Controller ActiveX Component.

    QstController.rgs   Registration script for the Fan Speed Controller
                        ActiveX Component.

    QstInstX.cpp        Module implementing the QstInstX DLL public functions.

    QstInstX.def        Definition file for the QstInstX DLL public functions.

    QstInstX.idl        Interface definition file for the QstInstX DLL ActiveX
                        component functions.

    QstInstX.rc         Resource definitions file for the QstInstX DLL.

    QstInstX.rgs        Registration script for the QstInstX DLL.

    QstInstX.sln        Visual Studio solution file for the QstInstX DLL.

    QstInstX.vcproj     Visual Studio project file for the QstInstX DLL.

    QstSensor.cpp       Module implementing the Sensor ActiveX Component.

    QstSensor.h         Header file providing definitions for the Sensor
                        ActiveX Component.

    QstSensor.rgs       Registration script for the Sensor ActiveX Component.

    resource.h          Resource header file for the QstInstX DLL.

    stdafx.cpp          Module supporting use of pre-compiled header files in
                        the QstInstX DLL project.

    stdafx.h            Defines the header files to be pre-compiled in the
                        QstInstX DLL project.

Folder src/Programs:

    BuildAll.bat        Script file builds DOS and Windows executables for the
                        sample programs.

Folder src/Programs/BusTest:

    Build.bat           Script file builds DOS and Windows executables for the
                        SST/PECI Bus Access sample program.

    BusTest.c           Main module for the SST/PECI Bus Access Demo. It
                        demonstrates how to send commands directly to SST/PECI

    BusTest.dsp         Visual Studio project file for the Windows version of
                        the SST/PECI Bus Access Demo.

    makefile            Make file for building Linux executable for the
                        SST/PECI Bus Access demo.

Folder src/Programs/InstTest:

    Build.bat           Script file builds DOS and Windows executables for the
                        Instrumentation Layer sample program.

    InstTest.c          Main module for the Instrumentation Layer Demo. It
                        provides a basic demonstration of how to use the
                        Instrumentation Layer to expose information and
                        readings from the sensors and controllers being
                        managed by Intel(R) QST.

    InstTest.dsp        Visual Studio project file for the Windows version of
                        the Instrumentation Layer Demo.

    makefile            Make file for building Linux executable for the
                        Instrumentation Layer Demo.

Folder src/Programs/InstTestX:

    Build.bat           Script file builds Windows executable for the
                        Intel(R) QST ActiveX Instrumentation Components sample

    InstXTest.js        Sample program, implemented in Compiled Javascript,
                        which demonstrates how to make use of the Intel(R) QST
                        ActiveX Instrumentation Components.

Folder src/Programs/StatTest:

    Build.bat           Script file builds DOS and Windows executables for the
                        Intel(R) QST status sample program.

    makefile            Make file for building Linux executable for the
                        Intel(R) QST Status sample.

    StatTest.c          Main module for the Intel(R) QST Status sample
                        program. It demonstrates how to get basic status info
                        from Intel(R) QST.

    StatTest.dsp        Visual Studio project file for the Windows version of
                        the Intel(R) QST Status sample program.

Folder Services:

    BuildAll.bat        Script file for building Windows executables for the
                        sample Services.

Folder src/Services/QstDiskServ:

    CompVer.h           Header file providing versioning information for the
                        QstDiskServ Service.

    Disk.ico            Icon for QstDiskServ Service.

    QstDiskServ.c       Main module for the QstDiskServ Service.

    QstDiskServ.dsp     Visual Studio project file for the QstDiskServ

    QstDiskServ.h       Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the QstDiskServ Service.

    QstDiskServ.rc      Resource definition file for the QstDiskServ Service.

    QstDiskTest.c       Main module for the QstDiskTest program.

    QstDiskTest.dsp     Visual Studio project file for the QstDiskTest

    QstDiskTest.rc      Resource definitions file for the QstDiskTest program.

    README              Provides additional information about the creation and
                        use of the QstDiskServ Service and the QstDiskTest

    resource.h          Resource header file for the QstDiskServ service and
                        the QstDiskTest program.

    SmartTemp.c         Module providing support for the extraction of
                        temperature readings from HDDs.

    VtmUpdate.c         Module providing support for delivering temperature
                        updates to the Virtual Temperature Monitors defined
                        within the Intel(R) QST configuration.

Folder src/Services/QstProtServ:

    QstProtServ.c       Main module for the QstProtServ Service.

    QstProtServ.dsp     Visual Studio project file for the QstProtServ

    QstProtServ.h       Header file providing definitions and function proto-
                        types for the QstProtServ Service.

    QstProtServ.rc      Resource definition file for the QstProtServ Service.

    resource.h          Resource header file for the QstProtServ service.

Folder src/Services/QstProxyServ:

    CompVer.h           Header file providing versioning information for the
                        QstProxyServ Service.

    QstProxyServ.c      Main source module for the QstProxyServ Service.

    QstProxyServ.dsp    Visual Studio project file for the QstProxyServ

    QstProxyServ.rc     Resource definition file for the QstProxyServ Service.

    resource.h          Resource header file for the QstProxyServ service.

6. Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Windows

The Intel(R) QST Programmer's Reference Manual fully documents how to
implement Intel(R) QST-aware programs for the Windows environment. This
includes information regarding how to use the Windows versions of the
Instrumentation and Communications Layers, which are both implemented as
Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs).

Windows executables for many of the libraries, services and sample programs
have been built and tested using the Visual Studio 6 package. Modification of
the build scripts and upgrade of the project files to utilize newer versions
of Visual Studio is left to the user. Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual
Studio 2005 are known to be able to successfully convert these project files.

In order to build binaries for the Instrumentation and Communications Layer
DLLs, you need to invoke batch file Build.bat within subdirectory
"src\Libraries\Windows". The resulting DLL files (QstComm.dll and QstInst.dll,
located in subdirectory "src\Libraries\Windows\Release", should be distributed
with your Intel(R) QST-aware applications.

7. Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for DOS

This section presents an introduction to implementing Intel(R) QST-aware
programs for DOS environments. It documents the differences in the
implementation and usage of the Instrumentation and Communications libraries
from that documented for the Windows environment within the Intel(R) QST
Programmer's Reference Manual.

7a. Development Environment Setup

The development of DOS programs may actually be performed in any number of
environments. The build scripts included in the SDK, however, presume that a
Windows environment will be used. Building DOS programs requires Open Watcom,
the open source version of Sybase's Watcom C/C++ and Fortran compiler
products. This package can be obtained from The
batch files for the sample programs support this package being installed to
either of two locations, "C:\Program Files\Watcom" or "C:\Watcom". If you
install the package to a different location, you will need to modify these
batch files.

7b. Communicating with Intel(R) QST

In the DOS environment, the Intel(R) QST Communication Layer is implemented as
a simple function library that is statically linked into Intel(R) QST-aware
programs. A busy-wait driver for the Intel(R) Management Engine Interface is
built into this library. To provide the most flexibility, versions of this
library are provided for both register-based (QstComm6r.lib) and stack-based
(QstComm6s.lib) parameter passing.

In order to support access to the memory-mapped registers of the Intel(R)
Management Engine Interface, software must be built for a 32-bit address space
and must be supported by a DOS Extender that overcomes DOS' inherent 640 KB
memory limit. The Open Watcom package, which supports 32-bit flat model
compilation and has built-in support for multiple DOS extenders, was thus
chosen to support the DOS environment.

The Communications Layer Library provides support for a single connection
between the calling program and Intel(R) QST. Because this library is
implemented as a simple function library, function QstInitialize() must be
invoked to initialize the library during program startup and function
QstCleanup() must be invoked to clean up after the library during program
shutdown. In between, the primary function, QstCommand(), may be used as
necessary to send Command Packets to Intel(R) QST and receive the associated
Response Packets.

7c. Instrumenting Intel(R) QST

In the DOS environment, the Intel(R) QST Instrumentation Layer is also
implemented as a simple function library. Versions of the library are provided
for both the register-based (QstInst6r.lib) and stack-based (QstInst6s.lib)
parameter-passing models.

Because the Instrumentation Layer Library is implemented as a simple function
library, function QstInstInitialize() must be invoked to initialize the
library during program startup and function QstInstCleanup() must be invoked
to clean up after the library during program shutdown. In between, the other
functions of the Instrumentation Layer may be invoked as required.

When linking either version of the Instrumentation Layer Library into a
Intel(R) QST-aware DOS program, the appropriate version of the Communications
Layer Library must also be linked into the program, even if the Communication
Layer functions are not invoked. In this case, the program is not required to
invoke QstInitialize() or QstCleanup(); the Instrumentation Layer will take
care of this requirement. The program may still invoke QstCommand() if
required, however.

7d. Notes on DOS Extender Usage

The Intel(R) QST Tools for DOS, as well as the SDK's batch files for building
the sample programs, target these programs for execution in the environment
offered by the PMode/W DOS extender. This extender is fully encapsulated
within the program's executable. As a result, no additional files are needed
to support the program's execution.

8. Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Linux

This section presents an introduction to implementing Intel(R) QST-aware
programs for the Linux environment. It documents the differences in the
implementation and usage of the Instrumentation and Communications libraries
from that documented for the Windows environment in the Intel(R) QST
Programmer's Reference Manual.

8a. Development Environment Setup

In order to simplify the building of Intel(R) QST-aware Linux programs,
portions of the SDK should be installed to standard directories - header files
to /usr/include and Shared Object (SO) files to /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64). A
makefile that builds these SO files and performs this installation is provided
in the SDK's root. Because of the folders that this makefile touches, you must
have root privilages when you execute it.

If your Linux distribution does not already contain a device driver for the
Intel(R) Management Engine Interface, you can download its source package from and build and install it yourself. The package provides
instructions and make and script files supporting this process. A link to this
package is provided at, a site providing open source
drivers and software for Intel(R) Active Management Technology (AMT).

8b. Communicating with Intel(R) QST

The Linux Communications Layer is implemented as a Shared Object (SO) file
(, the Linux analog for a Windows DLL. When this SO file is
loaded into memory, it automatically initializes itself. Thus, once the SO
file is loaded, programs can immediately begin calling QstCommand() or
QstCommand2(). Similarly, when the SO file is unloaded, it automatically
cleans up after itself. A program wishing to have the Communications Layer SO
file explicitly loaded with the program should statically link the SO file.

It is also possible for a program to dynamically load the Communications Layer
SO file. This is accomplished using the dlopen API. Function dlopen() is used
to load the SO file. Once loaded, function dlsym() is used to obtain pointers
to functions QstCommand() and/or QstCommand2(). QstCommand() and/or
QstCommand2() can then be invoked indirectly through this pointer as
necessary. Finally, when the program is finished with the SO file, it unloads
it using function dlclose().

For more information regarding SO files, consult the Program Library HOWTO.
Additional information is included in the C++ dlopen mini HOWTO. Both can be
downloaded from The Linux Documentation Project (

7c. Instrumenting Intel(R) QST

The Linux Instrumentation Layer, like the Communications Layer, is implemented
as a SO file ( Since it also initializes itself when being
loaded and cleans up after itself when being unloaded, no initialization or
cleanup functions need to be invoked by the user's application.

The Communications Layer SO file is statically linked to the Instrumentation
Layer SO file. As a result, the Communications Layer SO file will be
automatically loaded when the Instrumentation Layer SO file is loaded. Thus,
programs statically linking the Instrumentation Layer SO file do not need to
(also) statically link the Communications Layer SO file.

9. Building Intel(R) QST-Aware Programs for Solaris

This section presents an introduction to implementing Intel(R) QST-aware
programs for the Solaris environment. It documents the differences in the
implementation and usage of the Instrumentation and Communications libraries
from that documented for the Windows environment in the Intel(R) QST
Programmer's Reference Manual.

9a. Development Environment Setup

In order to simplify the building of Intel(R) QST-aware Solaris programs,
portions of the SDK should be installed to standard directories - header files
to /usr/include and Shared Object (SO) files to /usr/lib (or /usr/lib/64). A
makefile that performs this installation is provided in the SDK's root.
Because of the folders that this makefile touches, you must have root
privileges when you execute it.

If your Solaris distribution does not already contain a device driver for the
Intel(R) Management Engine Interface, you can download its source package from and build and install it yourself. The package provides
instructions and make/script files supporting this process. A link to this
package is provided at, a site providing open source
drivers and software for Intel(R) Active Management Technology (AMT).

9b. Communicating with Intel(R) QST

The Solaris Communications Layer is implemented as a Shared Object (SO) file
( When this SO file is loaded into memory, it automatically
initializes itself. Thus, once the SO file is loaded, programs can immediately
begin calling QstCommand() or QstCommand2(). Similarly, when the SO file is
unloaded, it automatically cleans up after itself. A program wishing to have
the Communications Layer SO file explicitly loaded with the program will
statically link the SO file.

It is also possible for a program to dynamically load the Communications Layer
SO file. This is accomplished using the dlopen API. Function dlopen() is used
to load the SO file. Once loaded, function dlsym() is used to obtain pointers
to functions QstCommand() and/or QstCommand2(). QstCommand() and/or
QstCommand2() can then be invoked indirectly through this pointer as required.
Finally, when the program is finished with the SO file, it unloads it using
function dlclose().

9c. Instrumenting Intel(R) QST

The Solaris Instrumentation Layer, like the Communications Layer, is
implemented as a SO file ( Since it also initializes itself
when being loaded (and cleans up after itself when being unloaded), no
initialization or cleanup functions need to be invoked by the program.

The Communications Layer SO file is statically linked to the Instrumentation
Layer SO file. As a result, the Communications Layer SO file will be
automatically loaded when the Instrumentation Layer SO file is loaded. Thus,
programs statically linking the Instrumentation Layer SO file do not need to
(also) statically link the Communications Layer SO file.

10. Known Issues List

* Sample Windows Services

 -Title:        Undesired side-effect of Hard Disk Drive Temperature
                Monitoring Service
 -ID:           QST-SDK-0001
 -Symptoms:     Hard disk drives continue to spin even if the drive idle time
                threshold has been surpassed.
 -Cause:        Any S.M.A.R.T. query delivered to a hard disk drive is
                considered by the drive to be an active operation, thereby
                causing that drive to spin up if it had been stopped. Since
                the Hard Disk Drive Temperature Monitoring Service is
                regularly quering the hard disk drive(s), they will never have
                an opportunity to spin down and stay there for any appreciable
                amount of time.
 -Impact:       Disaffects idle system power and increases wear on hard disk
 -Resolution:   The Hard Drive Temperature Monitoring Service's S.M.A.R.T.
                Library needs to be modified to query Windows for the Hard
                Disk Drive Stopped State and not send S.M.A.R.T. queries to
                hard disk drive(s) while they are spun down. Support for this
                capability is currently being left as an exercise for the

* Category



Tweaked version of Intel QST SDK to work with mainline Linux mei driver







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