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🔬 Add token-level metadata to `quanteda` (An Experiment)


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At the moment, this package is super experimental and cannot be considered easy to use. Even when it is the case, this is mostly an infrastructural R package for a very niche category of developers wanting to develop R packages for quanteda.

quanteda has good support for metadata. However, one can only put corpus- and document-level metadata (meta(), docvars(), respectively). This package aims at going down one level and provides support for token-level metadata. Token-level metadata is useful for tagging individual token (e.g. Parts of Speech, relationships among tokens); it is also useful to store upper-level information of tokens (e.g. the subword tokenized sequence of tokens “_L”, “’”, “app”, “ar”, “tement”; you might want to know “_L” is from the French word “L’appartement”).


You can install the development version of tokenvars like so:

# Well, if you don't know how to do this, you probably shouldn't try this.

A demo of using token-level metadata

#> Package version: 3.3.1
#> Unicode version: 14.0
#> ICU version: 70.1
#> Parallel computing: 8 of 8 threads used.
#> See for tutorials and examples.

corp <- corpus(c(d1 = "spaCy is great at fast natural language processing.",
                 d2 = "Mr. Smith spent two years in North Carolina."))

tok <- tokens(corp) %>% tokens_add_tokenvars()
#> Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 1 docvar.
#> d1 :
#> t1>"spaCy" t2>"is" t3>"great" t4>"at" t5>"fast" t6>"natural" t7>"language" t8>"processing" t9>"." 
#> d2 :
#> t1>"Mr" t2>"." t3>"Smith" t4>"spent" t5>"two" t6>"years" t7>"in" t8>"North" t9>"Carolina" t10>"."
tokenvars(tok) ## nothing to see here
#> $d1
#> data frame with 0 columns and 9 rows
#> $d2
#> data frame with 0 columns and 10 rows
tokenvars(tok, "tag") <- list(c("NNP", "VBZ", "JJ", "IN", "JJ", "JJ", "NN", "NN", "."),
                              c("NNP", ".", "NNP", "VBD", "CD", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "NNP", "."))
tokenvars(tok, "lemma") <- list(c("spaCy", "be", "great", "at", "fast", "natural", "language", "processing", "."),
                                c("Mr", ".", "Smith", "spend", "two", "year", "in", "North", "Carolina", "."))
#> Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 1 docvar.
#> Token variables: (tag|lemma).
#> d1 :
#> t1>"spaCy"(NNP|spaCy) t2>"is"(VBZ|be) t3>"great"(JJ|great) t4>"at"(IN|at) t5>"fast"(JJ|fast) t6>"natural"(JJ|natural) t7>"language"(NN|language) t8>"processing"(NN|processing) t9>"."(.|.) 
#> d2 :
#> t1>"Mr"(NNP|Mr) t2>"."(.|.) t3>"Smith"(NNP|Smith) t4>"spent"(VBD|spend) t5>"two"(CD|two) t6>"years"(NNS|year) t7>"in"(IN|in) t8>"North"(NNP|North) t9>"Carolina"(NNP|Carolina) t10>"."(.|.)
#> $d1
#>   tag      lemma
#> 1 NNP      spaCy
#> 2 VBZ         be
#> 3  JJ      great
#> 4  IN         at
#> 5  JJ       fast
#> 6  JJ    natural
#> 7  NN   language
#> 8  NN processing
#> 9   .          .
#> $d2
#>    tag    lemma
#> 1  NNP       Mr
#> 2    .        .
#> 3  NNP    Smith
#> 4  VBD    spend
#> 5   CD      two
#> 6  NNS     year
#> 7   IN       in
#> 8  NNP    North
#> 9  NNP Carolina
#> 10   .        .
tokenvars(tok, field = "tag")
#> $d1
#> [1] "NNP" "VBZ" "JJ"  "IN"  "JJ"  "JJ"  "NN"  "NN"  "."  
#> $d2
#>  [1] "NNP" "."   "NNP" "VBD" "CD"  "NNS" "IN"  "NNP" "NNP" "."
tokenvars(tok, field = "lemma", docnames = "d2")
#> $d2
#>  [1] "Mr"       "."        "Smith"    "spend"    "two"      "year"    
#>  [7] "in"       "North"    "Carolina" "."


tokens_proxmity is a showcase of tokenvars for calculating and manipulating a token-level metadata. “proximity” is a token-level metadata of the distance between a target pattern and all other tokens.

txt1 <-
c("Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, in his strongest comments yet on the Gaza conflict, said on Wednesday the Palestinian militant group Hamas was not a terrorist organisation but a liberation group fighting to protect Palestinian lands.",
"EU policymakers proposed the new agency in 2021 to stop financial firms from aiding criminals and terrorists. Brussels has so far relied on national regulators with no EU authority to stop money laundering and terrorist financing running into billions of euros.")
tok1 <- txt1 %>% tokens() %>%
    tokens_proximity(pattern = "turkish")
#> Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 1 docvar.
#> Token variables: (proximity).
#> text1 :
#> t1>"turkish"(1) t2>"president"(2) t3>"tayyip"(3) t4>"erdogan"(4) t5>","(5) t6>"in"(6) t7>"his"(7) t8>"strongest"(8) t9>"comments"(9) t10>"yet"(10) t11>"on"(11) t12>"the"(12) { ... and 26 more }
#> text2 :
#> t1>"eu"(44) t2>"policymakers"(44) t3>"proposed"(44) t4>"the"(44) t5>"new"(44) t6>"agency"(44) t7>"in"(44) t8>"2021"(44) t9>"to"(44) t10>"stop"(44) t11>"financial"(44) t12>"firms"(44) { ... and 31 more }
tokenvars(tok1, "proximity")
#> $text1
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
#> [26] 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
#> $text2
#>  [1] 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
#> [26] 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

The tokens object with proximity vectors can be converted to a (weighted) dfm (Document-Feature Matrix). The default weight is assigned by inverting the proximity.

#> Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 64 features (45.31% sparse) and 0 docvars.
#>        features
#> docs    turkish president    tayyip erdogan         ,         in       his
#>   text1       1       0.5 0.3333333    0.25 0.2666667 0.16666667 0.1428571
#>   text2       0       0   0            0    0         0.02272727 0        
#>        features
#> docs    strongest  comments yet
#>   text1     0.125 0.1111111 0.1
#>   text2     0     0         0  
#> [ reached max_nfeat ... 54 more features ]

You have the freedom to change to another weight function. For example, not inverting.

dfm(tok1, weight_function = identity)
#> Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 64 features (45.31% sparse) and 0 docvars.
#>        features
#> docs    turkish president tayyip erdogan  , in his strongest comments yet
#>   text1       1         2      3       4 20  6   7         8        9  10
#>   text2       0         0      0       0  0 44   0         0        0   0
#> [ reached max_nfeat ... 54 more features ]

Or any custom function

dfm(tok1, weight_function = function(x) { 1 / x^2 })
#> Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 64 features (45.31% sparse) and 0 docvars.
#>        features
#> docs    turkish president    tayyip erdogan          ,           in        his
#>   text1       1      0.25 0.1111111  0.0625 0.04444444 0.0277777778 0.02040816
#>   text2       0      0    0          0      0          0.0005165289 0         
#>        features
#> docs    strongest   comments  yet
#>   text1  0.015625 0.01234568 0.01
#>   text2  0        0          0   
#> [ reached max_nfeat ... 54 more features ]


🔬 Add token-level metadata to `quanteda` (An Experiment)







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