Releases: gerdreiss/gitallup
0.3.0 Update summary
Display summary after repo have been updated
-m option fixed
0.2.1 -m option fixed
main is the new master
- main is now considered the new master branch; master is still considered
- minor improvements
Update all GIT repos in directory
Usage: gitallup-exe [--version] [--help] [-p|--path PATH] [-r|--recursive]
[-d|--depth NUMBER] [-m|--master] [-f|--force]
[-x|--exclude LIST] [-v|--verbose]
Walks through all subdirectories of the given or current directory, and
performs git pull on all GIT repos
Available options:
--version Show version
--help Show this help text
-p,--path PATH Path to directory where to update all existing GIT
repos (default: ".")
-r,--recursive Go recursively through subdirectories which are not
GIT repos?
-d,--depth NUMBER The depth of directory recursion (default: -1)
-m,--master Switch all to master branch?
-f,--force Force update overriding any local changes?
-x,--exclude LIST List of directories/repositories to be excluded from
updating, comma separated
-v,--verbose Verbose output?