Raster Cutter is a QGIS Plugin developed in Python and QT. It allows the user to select a raster layer from his project, set an extent and export the raster data within this extent to a .jpg
or .png
image file.
Additionally, the plugin can create a Worldfile and/or Lexocad sidecar file if desired. The plugin also supports re-projection into other Coordinate Reference Systems.
- Start QGIS - install QGIS plugin 'Raster Cutter' if necessary - and open "New Project".
- Set the QGIS project to the CRS "EPSG:2056" (= Swiss coordinate reference system CH/LV95) (bottom right).
- If necessary, load background/base map (e.g. OpenStreetMap or MapGeoAdmin). Make sure that the CRS is still "EPSG:2056".
- Load raster file/data source (= input layer) (WMS, WMTS/XYZ/TMS, GeoTIFF) and zoom to the desired section.
- Open the dialog of the 'Raster Cutter' plugin and define the necessary parameters:
- choose the input layer (if not already selected)
- set the extent by clicking on "Map Canvas Extent".
- Set the path and name of the output and the output format (GeoTIFF, PNG or JPG).
- If desired, check the "Create LexoCAD" checkbox to generate LexoCAD georeference files.
- Set additional parameters if necessary (for advanced users): CRS and Output resolution.
- finished (load and view with QGIS or Lexocad).
(Translated from https://md.coredump.ch/2H-jGnDTSbuBk7ai0xWIxA?view#Bedienungsanleitung)
If you want to continue developing this tool on your own, you will need the following: