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My dot files and a tooling to deploy them to various OS's


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This repo is a Nix flake that manages most of my setup on macOS and fully manages machines I have that run NixOS as their operating system.

Flake structure

The Nix bits are driven by flake.nix which pulls in things under modules/. Both Intel and Apple Silicon macOS are suppoted, as is NixOS. The flake is structured like so:

  • description: a human readable description of this flake
  • inputs: all the places things are pulled from
  • outputs:
    • all the outputs from the inputs
    • a let ... in block that contains:
      • darwinHostConfig which takes a set of paramters as an attribute set and pulls in all the things needed to use Nix on a macOS host
      • nixosHostConfig which takes a set of parameters as an attribute set and pulls in all the things needed to configure a NixOS host
      • linuxHomeConfig which takes a set of paramters as an attribute set and pulls in the things I manage on non-NixOS Linux hosts
    • the body of outputs that contains:
      • darwinConfigurations contains is an attribute set that contains keys named for each macOS host set to the results of a call to darwinHostConfig with values for each of the required parameters
      • nixosConfigurations contains is an attribute set that contains keys named for each NixOS host set to the results of a call to darwinHostConfig with values for each of the required parameters
      • homeConfigurations contains an entry for each username set to the results of a call to linuxHomeConfig with values for each of the required parameters

The parameters on darwinHostConfig & nixosHostConfig are:

  • system: the system definition to use for nixpkgs
  • hostname: the hostname of the machine being configured
  • username: the username being configured on the host (all code currently assumes there is a single human user managed by Nix)
  • additionalModules: any nix modules that are desired to supplement the default for the host. An example use case for this is adding in the hardware specific module from nixos-hardware.
  • additionalSpecialArgs: any supplemental arguments to be passed to specialArgs.

The parameters on linxuHomeConfig are the same as the above.


All the bits below here are useful, but may be slightly outdated... I have not done a good job of keeping them updated.

Repo structure

The Nix stuff is structured like so, at least for now:

$ tree . -I legacy* -I link* --gitignore --dirsfirst
├── modules
│   ├── home-manager
│   │   ├── common
│   │   │   ├── linux-apps
│   │   │   │   ├── tilix.nix
│   │   │   │   ├── waybar.nix
│   │   │   │   └── xfce4-terminal.nix
│   │   │   ├── all-cli.nix
│   │   │   ├── all-darwin.nix
│   │   │   ├── all-gui.nix
│   │   │   └── all-linux.nix
│   │   ├── files
│   │   │   ├── tilix
│   │   │   │   └── Beanbag-Mathias.json
│   │   │   ├── waybar
│   │   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   │   └── style.css
│   │   │   ├── xfce4
│   │   │   │   └── terminal
│   │   │   │       ├── accels.scm
│   │   │   │       └── terminalrc
│   │   │   └── Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
│   │   └── hosts
│   │       ├── Blue-Rock
│   │       │   └── gene.liverman.nix
│   │       ├── nixnuc
│   │       │   └── gene.nix
│   │       └── rainbow-planet
│   │           └── gene.nix
│   ├── hosts
│   │   ├── darwin
│   │   │   └── Blue-Rock
│   │   │       └── default.nix
│   │   └── nixos
│   │       ├── nixnuc
│   │       │   ├── default.nix
│   │       │   └── hardware-configuration.nix
│   │       └── rainbow-planet
│   │           ├── default.nix
│   │           └── hardware-configuration.nix
│   └── system
│       └── common
│           ├── linux
│           │   └── internationalisation.nix
│           ├── all-darwin.nix
│           └── all-nixos.nix
├── Vagrantfile
├── flake.lock
└── flake.nix

23 directories, 29 files

Historical bits

This repo historically contained my dot files. Historically symlinked files are still in link/. Most all the other old stuff is now tucked away under legacy/ to get it out of the way until I decide what is and isn't needed.

Adding a new macOS host

  1. run xcode-select --install to install the command-line developer tools (this includes the Apple's stock version of Git).
  2. create ed25519 ssh key via ssh-keygen -t ed25519
  3. add key to GitHub account
  4. run macOS graphical installer from
  5. run mkdir ~/repos
  6. run cd ~/repos
  7. run git clone [email protected]/genebean/dots
  8. create keys for SOPS via mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/sops/age && nix run nixpkgs#ssh-to-age -- -private-key -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > ~/Library/Application\ Support/sops/age/keys.txt && nix run nixpkgs#ssh-to-age -- -i ~/.ssh/ >~/Library/Application\ Support/sops/age/pub-keys.txt
  9. run cat ~/Library/Application\ Support/sops/age/pub-keys.txt |pbcopy
  10. edit .sops.yaml and:
    1. paste copied data into a new line under keys
    2. add creation rule
    3. add to common rule
  11. run mkdir modules/home-manager/hosts/$(hostname -s)
  12. run nix run nixpkgs#sops -- modules/home-manager/hosts/$(hostname -s)/secrets.yaml
  13. Add entries for
    • local_git_config containing something like this:
        email = [email protected]
    • local_private_env containing anything you want exported as env vars or local aliases that you want to keep private
    • tailscale_key
  14. create modules/home-manager/hosts/darwin/$(hostname -s)/<username>.nix based on needs for this machine
  15. run mkdir modules/hosts/darwin/$(hostname -s)
  16. create modules/hosts/darwin/$(hostname -s)/default.nix based on need for this machine
  17. add entry to flake.nix
  18. if not a fresh install of macOS,
    • run brew leaves and look for things installed from taps you don't want any more
    • uninstall the program and the tap if not adding it to nix
  19. run git add .
  20. run git status - it should look something like this:
    gene.liverman@mightymac dots % git status
    On branch main
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
      modified:   .sops.yaml
      modified:   flake.nix
      new file:   modules/home-manager/hosts/mightymac/gene.liverman.nix
      new file:   modules/home-manager/hosts/mightymac/secrets.yaml
      new file:   modules/hosts/darwin/mightymac/default.nix
  21. run sudo mv /etc/nix/nix.conf{,.before-nix-darwin}
  22. run sudo mv /etc/zshenv{,.before-nix-darwin}
  23. run nix run --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes repl-flake' nix-darwin -- check --flake ~/repos/dots
  24. Run nix run --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes repl-flake' nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/repos/dots
    • if prompted, run sudo mv /etc/shells{,.before-nix-darwin}
    • if prompted, run sudo mv /etc/zshenv{,.before-nix-darwin}
    • if prompted, you may also have to move or remove ~/.zshrc
    • on the first (or several) run(s) homebrew may well fail due to previously installed casks or programs in /Applications. You may have to run brew install --force <package name> to fix this
    • you may have to run brew multiple times to fix things
  25. in Settings > Privacy & Security > App Management you will need to allow iTerm
  26. After the nix command finally works, open a new iTerm window and it should have all the nixified settings in it.
  27. Go into iTerm2's preferences and use the Hack Nerd Mono font so that the prompt and other things look right. You will likely also want to adjust the size of the font.

Extras steps not done by Nix and/or Homebrew and/or mas

Firefox profile switcher

You will need to link firefox-profile-switcher-connector for it to work. The easiest way to do this is to run brew reinstall firefox-profile-switcher-connector and follow the directions printed in the terminal.

Setup sudo via Touch ID

  1. run sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local{.template,} - this will generate a popup asking permission
  2. run sudo nvim /etc/pam.d/sudo_local and uncomment line as directed by top comments
  3. save via !w which will generate a popup asking permission


Nix installs and configures Atuin, but you still need to log into the server:

  1. run atuin import auto to import the shell history from before Atuin was installed and running
  2. run read -s akey and enter the encryption key
  3. run read -s apass and enter the user password
  4. run atuin login --key=$akey --password=$apass --username=gene

Mouse support

Adding a NixOS host


  1. clone this repo
  2. create keys for SOPS via mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age && nix run nixpkgs#ssh-to-age -- -private-key -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt && nix run nixpkgs#ssh-to-age -- -i ~/.ssh/ > ~/.config/sops/age/pub-keys.txt
  3. copy output of ~/.config/sops/age/pub-keys.txt
  4. add entries to .sops.yaml
  5. run sops modules/hosts/nixos/$(hostname)/secrets.yaml
    • if there is an empty yaml file in where you target you will get an error... just delete it and try again
  6. edit sops modules/hosts/nixos/$(hostname)/default.nix and add the Tailscale service and the block of config for sops.
    • if there is an empty yaml file in where you target you will need to delete it