Support for running PostgreSQL for use in integration tests.
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("geekity", "sbt-plugins")
addSbtPlugin("io.nhanzlikova.sbt" % "sbt-embedded-postgres" % "2.0.0")
To use the embedded postgres server, just define a dependency on startPostgres
or postgresConnectionString
This will make sbt execute startPostgres
before starting your process. For example:
javaOptions += s"-DDATABASE_URL=${postgresConnectionString.value}"
postgresSilencer := true
Configuration options (in build.sbt
) and their defaults
postgresPort := 25432
postgresDatabase := "database"
postgresUsername := "admin"
postgresPassword := "admin"
postgresVersion := PRODUCTION // IVersion from
If you want to run your build on a CI server, it is advised to let sbt chose a port at random. For this use case is an utility function defined.
For example: postgresPort := EmbeddedPostgresPlugin.getFreePort(25432 to 25532)
The output from the embedded postgres can be suppressed by setting postgresSilencer := true