Hello, my name is gavrillamahdi and this is my solution to the NFT preview card component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help me improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for interactive elements
Here the screenshot of my web for the solution I've built
- Live Site URL: NFT preview card component
- Mobile-first workflow
- CSS Flexbox
- Tailwind CSS - CSS framework
This challenge was build to learn Tailwind CSS as now Tailwind CSS is one of the most popular CSS framework. In the past, I've used Bootstrap as my CSS and JS framework. But after I work on this challenge I found out Tailwind CSS is more easy to use and easy to customize for building website.
In this challenge I learn a lot from Tailwind CSS Documentation to define the classes for every CSS property. This challenge is pretty simple I think, to get started and adjust with Tailwind CSS environment. I'm aware that there still a lot of things to learn from this CSS framework, and I'm looking forward to study more and more!
Note: I'm so sorry for my bad English XD. I'm still learning to it ✌
- Frontend Mentor - @gavrillamahdi
- Instagram - @gavrillamahdi