- Source code - Github
- Author - Gavin Noronha - [email protected]
This project provides a Ubuntu (14.04) Vagrant Virtual Machine (VM) with the TensorFlow library from Google and IPython (now know as Jupyter) notebooks.
Follow the Requirements section below for a one-time setup of Virtualbox, Vagrant and Git before running the commands below. These instructions should work on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
The list of releases of this project with a description of the main changes are included here.
Change to the tensorflow-ipy root directory
cd tensorflow-ipy
Start the Virtual machine (VM)
vagrant up
Login to the VM
vagrant ssh
First run section 1.
Change to the python directory
cd /vagrant/python
Run the first program
python3 first-tensorflow.py # to disable warnings type TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 python3 first-tensorflow.py
Make sure the version printed on the first line of the output is the version you expect. The releases are documented on this page
First run section 1.
Change to the notebooks directory
cd /vagrant/notebooks
Run the IPython notebook server
chmod +x ipython-run.sh ./ipython-run.sh
Open your browser to to view the notebooks
First run section 1.
Make the tensorflow directory if does not exist.
mkdir /vagrant/tensorflow_source
Change to the tensorflow directory (will not be checked in to git)
cd /vagrant/tensorflow_source
Clone the tensorflow repository
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
5. Run the Udacity TensorFlow examples
First run section 1.
Change to the notebooks directory
cd /vagrant/scripts
Run the IPython notebook server with Udacity TensorFlow notebooks
chmod +x ./ipy-udacity.sh ./ipy-udacity.sh
Open your browser to to view the notebooks
- Run Tensorboard from the command line
tensorboard --logdir=/home/ubuntu/tensorflow-logs
- Open a web browser to Tensorboard at
Install Jupyter notebook extensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
Install vim extension (optional)
cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions git clone https://github.com/lambdalisue/jupyter-vim-binding vim_binding
The following software is needed to get the software from github and run Vagrant. The Git environment also provides an SSH client for Windows.