Norm is a Marlin based firmware customized for the Wanhao Duplicator 6/Monoprice Maker Ultimate with a all-metal hotend mod and intended to be used with PETG filament. This version requires manual leveling. I intend on releasing a branch for auto/mesh leveling using a Z-probe mod. This was made using marlin-conf I highly recommend it! Most values are taken from otherwise I just googled my ass off and implemented recommmended changes.
Norm is named after my personal "maker muse", Norm Abram.
Implemented Customizations:
-Author and Variant changed to "(garylzimmer, D6-UMM Customized)"
-Custom Machine Name changed to "NORM"
-Inverted X and Z directions, Y is normal
-Z Max Pos changed to 170
-Default Nominal Filament Diameter = 1.75
-Prevent Cold Extrusion = OFF (this is so that I can test extruder feeder gear without having to heat up, might be bad idea...)
-Extrude Min Temp = 0 (see above note)
-Extrude Max Length = 300
-Invert E0 Direction = True
-Temp Sensor 0 = PT100 UltiMB (20)
-Temp Sensor Bed = EPCOS 100K(1)
-Temp Residency Time = 3
-Temp Window = 2
-Temp Bed Residency Time = 3
-Heater 0 Max Temp = 285
-Bed Max Temp = 120
-PID_AutoTune_Menu = ON
-Default Kp=22.2, Ki=1.08, Kd=144
-PID Temp Bed = ON
-Default Bed Kp=10.00, Ki=0.023, Kd=305.4
-Preheat 1 Temp Hot End = 200
-Preheat 1 Temp Bed = 60
-Preheat 2 Temp Hot End = 245 (for PETG)
-Preheat 2 Temp Bed = 80
-Print Counter = ON
-X,Y,Z Min End Stop Inverting = True
-Z Homing Height = OFF,0
-Default Axis Steps Per Unit = { 80.0395, 80.0395, 400.48, 99.1 }
-Default Max Accel = { 3000, 3000, 100, 500 }
-Default Accel = 1500
-Default Retract Accel = 1500
-Default Z Jerk = 0.4
-Default E Jerk = 1.0
-Z Min Probe uses Z Min EndStop Pin = OFF
-XY Probe Speed = 9000
-Z Probe Speed Slow = (Z_PROBE_SPEED_FAST / 3)
-Z Clearance Deplay Probe = 2
-Z Clearance Between Probe = 2
-Auto Bed Leveling UBL = ON (ombines the features of 3-point, linear, bilinear, and mesh leveling. As with bilinear leveling, the mesh data generated by UBL is used to adjust Z height across the bed using bilinear interpolation. An LCD controller is currently required.) -UBL Probe Pt 1 X = 35
-UBL Probe Pt 1 Y = 165
-UBL Probe Pt 2 X = 35
-UBL Probe Pt 2 Y = 35
-UBL Probe Pt 3 X = 165
-UBL Probe Pt 3 Y = 35
-EEPROM Settings = ON
-SD Support = ON
-Encoder Pulses Per Step = ON, 2
-Encoder Steps per Menu Item = ON, 1
-Reverse Encoder Direction = ON
-Individual Axis Homing Menu = ON
-Speaker = ON
-LCD Feedback Freq Duration MS = On, 5
-LCD Feedback Freq HZ = 1000
-Ultipanel = ON
-U8GLIB_SSD1306 = ON
-Thermal Protection Period = 90
-Watch Temp Period = 90
-Thermal Protection Bed Period = 90
-Watch Bed Temp Period = 90
-Autotemp = OFF
-Case Light Enable = ON
-Case Light Pin = ON, 8
-Case Light Default Brightness = 255
-Menu Item Case Light = ON
-Lin Advance = ON, K=0
-Quick Home = ON
-PWM Motor Current = ON, { 1200, 1200, 1000 }
-Advanced Pause Feature = ON
-Home After Deactivate = ON
-Manual Feedrate = {7060, 7060, 1560, 660}
-LCD Info Menu = ON
-LCD Timeout To Status = 60000
-Long Filename Host Support = ON
-Scroll Long Filenames = ON
-Babystepping = ON (Warning: Does not respect endstops!)
-Doubleclick for Z Babystepping = ON (Double-click on the Status Screen for Z Babystepping)