Nativescript plugin for enabling accessibility features
NativeScript is a framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications.
NativeScript's support for platform specific accessibility features is very limited, as it only implements those that can be abstracted for both platforms. So you have to enable these features in JavaScript-code rather than in the template.
The goal of this plugin is to expose all platform-specific accessibility features for both Android and iOS through component properties.
It's heavily inspired by React-Native's accessibility API:
But is written from scratch, extending NativeScript's classes.
Extends tns-core-modules/ui/core/view
with these attributes and functions.
If true
the element is an accessibility element and all the children will be treated as a single selectable component.
CSS-property: a11y-enabled
= true
/ false
Set the accessibility label on the element, this will be read by the screen reader in-place in any 'text' value the element has.
Important note:
NativeScript provides the property automationText, this sets both accessibilityLabel
AND accessibilityIdentifier
on iOS which can break automated tests.
If you use accessibilityLabel
from this plugin, DO NOT use automationText
at the same time.
Define the value of an accessibility element.
This is to give the user more information about the value of a field.
For instance a Slider
would normally have a value between 0-100%, but if the Slider represents time, you can give the user better information about the value.
Describes the result of performing an action on the view.
Should only be provided if the result isn't obvious from the label.
Set the elements unique accessibilityIdentifier.
Important note:
NativeScript provides the property automationText, this sets both accessibilityLabel
AND accessibilityIdentifier
on iOS which can break automated tests.
If you use this plugin, DO NOT use automationText
at the same time.
Attribute: View.accessibilityHidden (iOS, Android)
Indicating whether the accessibility elements contained within this accessibility element are hidden.
Defaults to false
CSS-property: a11y-hidden
= true
/ false
Defines the type of accessibility element, for example if something is a button. This isn't needed for Nativescript Buttons, but used to make other elements behave like buttons.
value | Description |
none | No traits |
button | Acts like a button |
link | Acts like a link (iOS-only) |
search | Acts like a search field |
image | An image |
image_button | Acts a button with an image |
keyboard_key | behaves as a keyboard key |
text_field | The element should be treated as static text that cannot change. |
adjustable | The element allows continuous adjustment through a range of values. |
summery | The element provides summary information when the application starts. (iOS-only) |
header | Header element |
checkbox | Acts as a checkbox, to be used with accessibilityState = checked / unchecked |
progress_bar | Acts a progress bar. Note: Android doesn't give value information |
radiobutton | Acts as a radiobutton, to be used with accessibilityState = checked / unchecked |
switch | Acts as a Switch, to be used with accessibilityState = checked / unchecked |
CSS-property: a11y-role
= value
Set the state of the element. Should be used with accessibilityRole
value | Description |
selected | Is this element currently selected? |
checked | Is the checkbox / radiobutton / switch checked? |
unchecked | Is the checkbox / radiobutton / switch unchecked? |
disabled | Is this element currently disabled? |
CSS-property: a11y-state
= value
When components dynamically change, we want TalkBack to alert the end user.
value | Description |
none | Accessibility services should not announce changes to this view. |
polite | Accessibility services should announce changes to this view. |
assertive | Accessibility services should interrupt ongoing speech to immediately announce changes to this view. |
Note for iOS:
and assertive
is treated as accessibilityTraits.frequentUpdates
CSS-property: a11y-live-region
= value
Make an announcement to the screen reader.
msg | Description |
announcement text | The text that will be read by the screen reader |
null | The label of the element will be read by the screen reader instead |
A platform css-class is added to each view.
- ns-ios
- ns-android
- ios
- android
If you need more platform css-classes, like .notch
, .softnav
, .phone
, .tablet
etc. we suggest using nativescript-platform-css
Import nativescript-platform-css
before importing this plugin, to avoid conflicts.
If you need to apply different styling when fonts are scaled, these css-classes are available on the View.
The number indicated pct font scale:
a11y-fontscale-50 (iOS only - extra small font size)
a11y-fontscale-70 (iOS only - extra small font size)
a11y-fontscale-150 (iOS only)
a11y-fontscale-200 (iOS only - extra large font size)
a11y-fontscale-250 (iOS only - extra large font size)
a11y-fontscale-300 (iOS only - extra large font size)
a11y-fontscale-350 (iOS only - extra large font size)
a11y-fontscale-400 (iOS only - extra large font size)
a11y-fontscale-xs (iOS only - for extra small font size e.g < 85%)
a11y-fontscale-xs-visible (iOS only - visible only when font size is extra small)
a11y-fontscale-xs-hidden (iOS only - hidden when font size is extra small)
a11y-fontscale-m (Medium font size >=85% and <=150%)
a11y-fontscale-m-visible (visible only when font size is medium)
a11y-fontscale-m-hidden (hidden when font size is medium)
a11y-fontscale-xl (iOS only - for extra large font size e.g >150%)
a11y-fontscale-xl-visible (iOS only - visible only when font size is extra large)
a11y-fontscale-xl-hidden (iOS only - hidden when font size is visible large)
a11y-service-enabled (is VoiceOver/TalkBack enabled)
a11y-service-enabled-visible (only visible when the a11y service is enabled)
a11y-service-enabled-hidden (hidden when the a11y service is enabled)
a11y-service-disabled (is VoiceOver/TalkBack disabled)
a11y-service-disabled-visible (only visible when the a11y service is disabled)
a11y-service-disabled-hidden (hidden when the a11y service is disabled)
Android auto scales font Label
out of the box. But iOS does not.
To enabled for iOS
please use nativescript-theme-core
with our extensions from this plugin.
To use it all you need to do is add this to your app.ios.scss
@import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/index';
@import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/platforms/index.ios';
@import '~@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext/scss/a11y.ios'; // <-- add this line
And add this to your
@import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/index';
@import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/platforms/';
@import '~@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext/scss/'; // <-- add this line
For more see
Reading is recommended.
Set one or more traits that best fits the element. Comma or space separated list of traits.
key | Description |
none | Used when the element has no traits. |
button | Used when the element should be treated as a button. |
link | Used when the element should be treated as a link. |
header | Used when an element acts as a header for a content section (e.g. the title of a navigation bar). |
search | Used when the text field element should also be treated as a search field. |
image | Used when the element should be treated as an image. Can be combined with button or link, for example. |
selected | Used when the element is selected. For example, a selected row in a table or a selected button within a segmented control. |
plays | Used when the element plays its own sound when activated. |
key | Used when the element acts as a keyboard key. |
text | Used when the element should be treated as static text that cannot change. |
summary | Used when an element can be used to provide a quick summary of current conditions in the app when the app first launches. For example, when Weather first launches, the element with today's weather conditions is marked with this trait. |
disabled | Used when the control is not enabled and does not respond to user input. (You should also set isEnabled="false" on the element) |
frequentUpdates | Used when the element frequently updates its label or value, but too often to send notifications. Allows an accessibility client to poll for changes. A stopwatch would be an example. |
startsMedia | Used when activating an element starts a media session (e.g. playing a movie, recording audio) that should not be interrupted by output from an assistive technology, like VoiceOver. |
adjustable | Used when an element can be "adjusted" (e.g. a slider). |
allowsDirectInteraction | Used when an element allows direct touch interaction for VoiceOver users (for example, a view representing a piano keyboard). |
pageTurn | Informs VoiceOver that it should scroll to the next page when it finishes reading the contents of the element. |
Function: View.iosPostAccessibilityNotification(notificationType: string, arg?: string | null) (iOS)
Post an accessibility notification to iOS.
el.iosPostAccessibilityNotification(notificationType, arg);
notificationType | Description |
screen | Notify iOS that the screen have changed |
layout | Notify iOS that the layout have changed |
announcement | Make an announcement to the screen reader (Please use: view.accessibilityAnnouncement(msg) for both platforms) |
arg | Description |
text | notificationType = 'announcement': Announcement text to be read |
null | notificationType = 'layout': do nothing. notificationType = 'screen': auto selects, the first accessible element within this element will be given accessibility focus |
Scales the font on a Label on iOS according to the settings in Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Larger text On Android this is handled automatically, on iOS you have to specify it yourself. Note: It's similar to UILabel.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory but affects all fonts not just the preferredFonts. Note: Font Scale between 50% and 400%. 200% -> 400% are extra large accessibility font scaling
Change the increment/decrement step size for the swipe up
/ down
Default step size is 10
Trigger an accessibility event on Android
el.androidSendAccessibilityEvent(eventName, msg);
eventName | Description |
invalid_position | Invalid selection/focus position |
max_text_length | Maximum length of the text fields |
view_clicked | Represents the event of clicking on a android.view.View like android.widget.Button, android.widget.CompoundButton, etc |
view_long_clicked | Represents the event of long clicking on a android.view.View like android.widget.Button, android.widget.CompoundButton, etc |
view_selected | Represents the event of selecting an item usually in the context of an android.widget.AdapterView |
view_focused | Represents the event of setting input focus of a android.view.View |
view_text_changed | Represents the event of changing the text of an android.widget.EditText |
window_state_changed | Represents the event of opening a android.widget.PopupWindow, android.view.Menu,, etc |
notification_state_changed | Represents the event showing a |
view_hover_enter | Represents the event of a hover enter over a android.view.View |
view_hover_exit | Represents the event of a hover exit over a android.view.View |
touch_exploration_gesture_start | Represents the event of starting a touch exploration gesture |
touch_exploration_gesture_end | Represents the event of ending a touch exploration gesture |
window_content_changed | Represents the event of changing the content of a window and more specifically the sub-tree rooted at the event's source |
view_scrolled | Represents the event of scrolling a view |
view_text_selection_changed | Represents the event of changing the selection in an android.widget.EditText |
announcement | Represents the event of an application making an announcement |
view_accessibility_focused | Represents the event of gaining accessibility focus |
view_accessibility_focus_cleared | Represents the event of clearing accessibility focus |
view_text_traversed_at_movement_granularity | Represents the event of traversing the text of a view at a given movement granularity |
gesture_detection_start | Represents the event of beginning gesture detection. |
gesture_detection_end | Represents the event of ending gesture detection |
touch_interaction_start | Represents the event of the user starting to touch the screen |
touch_interaction_end | Represents the event of the user ending to touch the screen |
all | Mask for AccessibilityEvent all types |
is an optional argument only used for announcement
If not provided with announcement
the elements automationText
value will be announced instead.
- onAccessibilityTap (iOS)
- onMagicTap (iOS)
Each built-in nativescript View-class is extended with global-events.
This conflicts with nativescript-globalevents
If you for some reason need to load both modules, you need to import nativescript-globalevents
before @nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext
This event is added to every view-type.
View.on(View.loadedEvent, (evt) => {
const view = evt.object;
// Do stuff.
This event is aded to all Labels
Label.on(View.loadedEvent, (evt) => {
const label = evt.object;
// Do stuff.
Remove all global loaded events from the View-class.;
Remove a single global loaded event from the View-class., callbackReference);
NativeScript Observable for getting the native fontScale on either platform.
Note: Android: Font scale between 0.85 and 1.3 (85% -> 130%) iOS: Font scale between 50% and 400%. 200% -> 400% are extra large accessibility font
To use the plugin in your nativescript-app, install and import the module:
npm i --save @nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext
Change to your app.ts
import * as app from 'tns-core-modules/application';
import '@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext'; /// <-- Add this line{ moduleName: 'app-root' });
Change to your app.module.ts
import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from "@angular/core";
import { NativeScriptModule } from "nativescript-angular/nativescript.module";
import { NotaAccessibilityExtModule } '@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext/angular'; /// <-- Add this line
/// ... stuff
bootstrap: [
imports: [
NotaAccessibilityExtModule, /// <-- Add this line
declarations: [
providers: [],
schemas: [
export class AppModule { }
For more see Angular.
Change to your app.js
import Vue from "nativescript-vue";
import '@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext'; /// <-- Add this line
import '@nota/nativescript-accessibility-ext';
Start adding the new properties to your templates:
automationText="This now a button"
<Label text="First button" (tap)="tapped($event)"></Label>
Nota is the Danish Library and Expertise Center for people with print disabilities.
To become a member of Nota you must be able to document that you cannot read ordinary printed text. Members of Nota are visually impaired, dyslexic or otherwise impaired.
Our purpose is to ensure equal access to knowledge, community participation and experiences for people who're unable to read ordinary printed text.