以 "Example Qt Chat Program" 為基礎進行延伸
花橋規則進行遊戲 代表有Small < Middle < Club < Diamond < Heart < Spades < No Trump
此遊戲分為Server端與Client端 只要有某台固定IP電腦開Server 就可供4個Client端連線。
P.S. 當掉請自行重新連線&&名稱請不要取一樣!!!分不清楚我不負責~~~
using Qt with Xcode
- in terminal: brew install qt
- in terminal: brew link qt --force
- in terminal: cd {BridgeClient or BridgeServer} sh QOBJECT_rebuild.sh
- open BridgeClient.xcodeproj or BridgeServer.xcodeproj
- (BridgeClient only)
add framework to project 1. CoreFoundation 2. GLUT 3. OpenAL
add new group (name "Resource") and add file(image、sound) to the group (file path: BridgeClient/BridgeClient/Resource/)