Flow algorithms on top of LightGraphs.jl,
including maximum_flow
, multiroute_flow
and mincost_flow
See Maximum flow problem
for a detailed description of the problem.
Documentation for this package is available here. For an overview of JuliaGraphs, see this page.
julia> using LightGraphs, LightGraphsFlows
julia> const LG = LightGraphs
julia> flow_graph = LG.DiGraph(8) # Create a flow graph
julia> flow_edges = [
julia> capacity_matrix = zeros(Int, 8, 8) # Create a capacity matrix
julia> for e in flow_edges
u, v, f = e
LG.add_edge!(flow_graph, u, v)
capacity_matrix[u,v] = f
julia> f, F = maximum_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8) # Run default maximum_flow (push-relabel) without the capacity_matrix
julia> f, F = maximum_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix) # Run default maximum_flow with the capacity_matrix
julia> f, F = maximum_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, algorithm=EdmondsKarpAlgorithm()) # Run Edmonds-Karp algorithm
julia> f, F = maximum_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, algorithm=DinicAlgorithm()) # Run Dinic's algorithm
julia> f, F, labels = maximum_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, algorithm=BoykovKolmogorovAlgorithm()) # Run Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm
julia> using LightGraphs, LightGraphsFlows
julia> const LG = LightGraphs
julia> flow_graph = LG.DiGraph(8) # Create a flow graph
julia> flow_edges = [
(1, 2, 10), (1, 3, 5), (1, 4, 15), (2, 3, 4), (2, 5, 9),
(2, 6, 15), (3, 4, 4), (3, 6, 8), (4, 7, 16), (5, 6, 15),
(5, 8, 10), (6, 7, 15), (6, 8, 10), (7, 3, 6), (7, 8, 10)
julia> capacity_matrix = zeros(Int, 8, 8) # Create a capacity matrix
julia> for e in flow_edges
u, v, f = e
LG.add_edge!(flow_graph, u, v)
capacity_matrix[u, v] = f
julia> f, F = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, routes = 2) # Run default multiroute_flow with an integer number of routes = 2
julia> f, F = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, routes = 1.5) # Run default multiroute_flow with a noninteger number of routes = 1.5
julia> points = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix) # Run default multiroute_flow for all the breaking points values
julia> f, F = multiroute_flow(points, 1.5) # Then run multiroute flow algorithm for any positive number of routes
julia> f, F, labels = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, flow_algorithm = BoykovKolmogorovAlgorithm(), routes = 2) # Run multiroute flow algorithm using Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm as maximum_flow routine
Mincost flow is solving a linear optimization problem and thus requires a LP optimizer defined by MathOptInterface.jl.
julia> using SparseArrays: spzeros
julia> import Clp
julia> using LightGraphs, LightGraphsFlows
julia> const LG = LightGraphs
julia> g = LG.DiGraph(6)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 5, 1)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 5, 2)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 3, 6)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 4, 6)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 1, 3)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 1, 4)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 2, 3)
julia> LG.add_edge!(g, 2, 4)
julia> cost = zeros(6,6)
julia> cost[1,3] = 10.
julia> cost[1,4] = 5.
julia> cost[2,3] = 2.
julia> cost[2,4] = 2.
# v2 -> sink have demand of one
julia> demand = spzeros(6,6)
julia> demand[3,6] = 1
julia> demand[4,6] = 1
julia> node_demand = spzeros(6)
julia> capacity = ones(6,6)
# returns the sparse flow matrix
julia> flow = mincost_flow(g, node_demand, capacity, cost, Clp.Optimizer, edge_demand=demand, source_nodes=[5], sink_nodes=[6])