This is the Agents API, which utilises Serverless and AWS Lambda.
- Serverless >=1.11.0
- Testing jest
The user used to deploy this solution must have the following policies attached:
- AWSLambdaFullAccess
- AWSCloudFormationReadOnlyAccess
npm -g install serverless
# Create a profile in ~/.aws/credentials:
sls config credentials --provider aws --key AKIA.... --secret keydata..... --profile agents-api-deploy
# Set profile and region for convenience:
export AWS_PROFILE=agents-api-deploy
export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-2
# Verify connection is possible:
sls info
# Install dependencies
npm install
# To speed up deployments a bit, run modclean to reduce the size of node_modules
# Run this after any npm install task
npm install -g jest
jest ./lib/api/adapter.test.js
jest ./lib/api/auth.test.js
To-do: More unit tests are required.
Serverless has some functionality to view the logs for the AWS Lambda function. This is useful if you see an error.
serverless --function register logs
serverless --function story logs
serverless --function proposal logs
Be careful to always specify correct stage and profile when deploying
npm install
serverless deploy --stage dev function --function functionname
serverless deploy --stage dev --profile agents-api-deploy
Use this in most cases as it is faster.
serverless deploy --stage dev --profile agents-api-deploy function --function functionname
If the profile specified on the CLI is ignored, try setting the AWS_PROFILE env var to the profile name.
If that doesn't work, set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars.
serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path agents-api
cd agents-api
vim serverless.yml
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key KEY --secret SECRET --profile agents
The following AWS DynamoDB tables are used by the API:
- agentsUsers
- agentsPhotos
- agentsstorys
- agentsProposals
- ha_listing (listings data parsed by our REA XML parser)
If you have intermittent internet connection, try the following before deployment
export AWS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=600000
- PASSWORD_SECRET_SALT - Defines a secret encryption key to encrypt and decrypt passwords. If you change this all passwords will not work
- DYNAMODB_USERS_TABLE - Defines the users table in dynamo db
- DYNAMODB_PHOTOS_TABLE - Defines table to store photo metadata
- DYNAMODB_storyS_TABLE - Defines table to store storys metadata
- DYNAMODB_PROPOSALS_TABLE - Defines table to store proposals metadata
- DYNAMODB_SALES_HISTORY_TABLE - Defines the listings table
- SENDGRID_API_KEY - Defines the API key for sendgrid
- SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - The webhook URL for Slack notifications
- AWS_S3_UPLOAD_KEY - Access key for AWS S3
- AWS_S3_UPLOAD_SECRET - Secret key for AWS S3 (to generate a one time upload token)
- AWS_S3_BUCKET - S3 Bucket for dropping images in
- AWS_S3_BUCKET_PROCESSED: S3 bucket where the resized and processed images end up
- IMAGES_ORIGIN_URL - Origin URL for images
node -e 'var crypto = require("crypto"); var process = require("process"); var password = crypto.createHmac("sha1", process.env.PASSWORD_SECRET_SALT).update("123456789").digest("hex"); console.log(password); '