Prototype of using mocha to test the Alexa Make connections game.
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Run Tests
$ npm test
Generate Report
$ npm run test-html
Actions are commands that can be sent to the Alexa, e.g:
- launchMakeConnections()
- sendYesIntent()
- answerQuestionCorrectly()
- answerQuestionIncorrectly()
- sendHelpIntent()
Each action will return a promise, containing the response from the Alexa skill. Each response will typically contain output speech(ssml), a card to render and any state/session attributes.
As well as the standard assertions includded within Chai, a few custom assertions are being built to further the reach of the tests and make existing assertions more semantic. Custom assertions will always take a response recieved from an individual action, for example:
let data = await launchMakeConnections()
expect(data).to.have.speech("Welcome to...")
Some other examples of custom assertions are:
- expect(data)
- expect(data)
- expect(data).to.have.score(2)
- expect(data).to.have.state('STATE')
- CORRELATIONS_GAME_PATH - Pathway to the correlations game folder
- TEST_MODE - Set this to "TRUE"
- DATABASE - Should be set to "PRETEND" for testing
- APP_ID - Alexa App skill ID