A vagrant setup to run frigg-worker
make up
Image: Ubuntu 14.04
- Java 8
- Maven
- nvm
- io.js 1.2
- node.js 0.12 - default in nvm
- node.js 0.11
- node.js 0.10
- Python 2.7.6
- Python 3.4.2
- python-dev for all versions
- python-virtualenv - installed with aptitude
- tox - installed with pip2
- flake8 - installed with pip2
- isort - installed with pip2
- coverage - installed with pip2
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Bundler
- Jekyll
- Compass
- Rust with cargo
- memcached
- mongodb
- postgresql
- redis
- build-essential
- software-properties-common
- git
- wget
- curl
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt-dev
- lib32z1-dev
- libyaml-dev
- phantomjs
MIT © frigg.io