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Björn Teichmann edited this page Dec 19, 2013 · 1 revision


Each server has a number of options that effect how it behaves. Each option is described below. To set a server option, use the trp server set ... command. Use the trp server get ... command to see current server option values.

Option Type Default Version Description
allowRemoteCommands boolean false v8.12 Should this remote server be allowed to execute commands on this local server?
announcePlayers boolean true All Should players on other servers be announced locally when they join, quit, or are kicked?
chatFormat string none v8.3 Specifies the format to use when displaying chat messages received from this server. Valid tokens are: %player% (sending player's display name, which may include color), %world% (name of the world the sending player is in), %server% (name of this server), %message% (message text), %prefix% (sending player's prefix), %suffix% (sending player's suffix). An empty or null value results in the use of the global option "serverChatFormat". NOTE: %prefix% and %suffix% only work when the plugin is integrated with Vault.
key string none All The secret key of the remote server. No two servers should use the same key because the plugin will not be able to distinquish between them if they connect to the local server.
mExecTarget boolean true v8.6 Should this server be sent commands when using the "mexec" server command?
playerListFormat string %italic%%player% v8.5 The format used to display the names of player's on the remote server on clients' player lists. Valid tokens are: %player% (player's name), %world% (player's world), %server% (name of this server), %prefix% (player's prefix on remote server), %suffix% (player's suffix on remote server). An empty or "-" value disables display of player names from this server. A value of "*" resets the option to it's default value. NOTE: Bukkit limits the length of strings sent to the client to 16 characters, so formats resulting in longer strings will be truncated.
pluginAddress string none All The hostname or address of the plugin running on the remote server. This adddress can optionally be followed by a colon and a port number if the remote plugin is not listening on the default port of 25555.
pmFormat string none v8.3 Specifies the format to use when a player receives a PM from a player on this server. Valid tokens are: %fromPlayer% (the display name of the player sending the message), %fromWorld% (the name of world the sending player is in), %fromServer% (the name of this server), %message% (the message), %fromPrefix% (sending player's prefix), %fromSuffix% (sending player's suffix), %toPrefix% (receiving player's prefix), %toSuffix% (receiving player's suffix). An empty or null value results in the use of the global option "serverPMFormat".
privateAddress string * All Specifies the address/port we tell the remote server to send clients to when the remote server detects we're being NAT'ed. An asterisk means use the same address and port the MC server is currently listening on. A hyphen (-) means don't send the remote server our private address.
publicAddress string * All Specifies the address/port we tell the remote server to send clients to when they teleport to us. The value is interpretted as a space separated list of items where each item is a slash (/) separated list of parts. The first part is the address and optional port to send clients to when teleporting to us. An asterisk means send the same address and port the local Minecraft server is currently listening on (from the file). An asterisk followed by a colon and port number means use the same address the local Minecraft server is currently listening on, along with the specified port number. Any remaining parts (after the first slash) are regular expressions the remote server will match against the client IP address. The patterns are checked in the order given and when one matches, the corresponding address (the first part) will be given to the client as the address to reconnect to. If no patterns are specified, the corresponding address is always given.
receiveChat boolean false All Should we receive chat sent by the remote server and display it to all local players regardless of the presence of any open gates from that server? When this is set to true, an open gate to the server is not needed to receive chat from that server; all chat received is relayed to all local players.
receiveChatFilter string none v8.2beta2 A regular expression that must match a chat message in order for it to be received from this server. An empty or null value always matches.
sendChat boolean false All Should we send all local chat to the remote server regardless of the presence of any open gates to that server? When this is set to true, an open gate to the server is not needed to send chat to that server; all local chat is sent.
sendChatFilter string none v8.2beta2 A regular expression that must match a chat message in order for it to be sent to this server. An empty or null value always matches.
sendChatFormatFilter string none v8.3 A regular expression that must match a chat message format in order for it to be sent to this server. An empty or null value always matches.
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