You need these things to run C4Sharp:
- JavaJDK
- .NET Standard 50+
Use the .NET CLI to create a project and add C4Sharp support:
dotnet new console -o c4-model-app
dotnet add package C4Sharp --version 5.2.159
# Run Application
dotnet restore
dotnet run
There are two strategies for compiling diagrams in your project: self-compiling and using the C4SCLI tool.
a) self-compiling in-code approach
var diagrams = new[]
new ContainerDiagram().Build(),
new PlantumlSession()
b) Using the C4SCLI tool:
# Setup c4scli
dotnet tool install --global c4scli --version 1.2.159-beta
c4scli build <solution path> [-o <output path>] [-d <html>]