- PRISM binary
- Storm binary
- z3 solver
- z3 python binding
- stormpy
python3 Main.py __path_to_json__
Model's path, necessary arguments, and the path for the prism/storm binaries are specified in a json file. To add a new file following elements must be set:
- model : path to model
- starting_bound : the length of the shortest counterexample(witness) trace. If not known, set to 0.
- prism_binary : location of the prism's binary
- csl_property : a CSL property of the form "P=? [true U<=t X=Value]"
- property_variable : The variable(species) of interest, for the above CSL it would be X.
- property_value : The value of the variable we are checking for in the CSL property. For the above property it would be Value.