This is a MicroPython library for the Raspberry Pi Pico and the BH1750 digital Ambient Light Sensor.
from machine import Pin, I2C
from utime import sleep
from bh1750 import BH1750
i2c0_sda = Pin(8)
i2c0_scl = Pin(9)
i2c0 = I2C(0, sda=i2c0_sda, scl=i2c0_scl)
bh1750 = BH1750(0x23, i2c0)
while True:
This is the circuit for the example code above. It uses the GY-302 BH1750 breakout board.
By default, the BH1750 class uses the following settings:
- Measurement mode: 'one time' (it measures once and then shuts down, a next measurement automatically powers the device back on and configures it again),
- Resolution: high (1 lx)
- Measurement time: 120 ms
These values can be changed via the configure
The example above configures the BH1750 to measure continuously, use a higher resolution (0.5 lx) and the maximum measurement time. Configuration can greatly affect the measurement time. The BH1750 class has a generator function that attempts to calculate the correct 'sleep time' between measurements based on the chosen configuration:
for measurement in bh1750.measurements():