Flowable 7.0.0 release
released this
21 Sep 08:11
359 commits
to main
since this release
- This is the first stable release for version 7 of the Flowable Engines focusing on the Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 and Java 17 upgrade.
- The REST application requires a servlet container / application server that supports Jakarta 9.
- This release focuses on the main Flowable Engines and REST APIs for the BPMN, CMMN, DMN and event registry engines. This means that there are no UI applications, no content and form engines and the modules for Mule and some others are removed.
- Blog post with more information about the Flowable 7 release https://www.flowable.com/blog/engineering/flowable-open-source-7-0-0-release
- Support batch migration for CMMN
- Repetition support for case reactivation
- Support for stopping housekeeping batch
- Support for HTTP HEAD and OPTIONS for the Http Tasks
- Remove relocated Spring Boot Starters
- flowable-spring-boot-starter-basic - flowable-spring-boot-starter-process should be used instead
- flowable-spring-boot-starter-rest-api - flowable-spring-boot-starter-process-rest should be used instead
- Add flowable-bom with all the Flowable artifacts
- Support for dynamic Kafka message key
- Add TaskCompletionBuilder to CmmnTaskService
- Add support for handling custom input parameters for error start and boundary events and for passing additional data in error end events
- Add ability to store completer of human and user tasks in a variable
- Support collection of string or json array as mail recipients in Mail Tasks
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1
- Upgrade to Camel 4
- Upgrade to CXF 4
- Provide an abstraction for sending emails through a FlowableMailClient
- Use Jakarta Mail instead of Javax Mail and replace Apache Commons Email with Eclipse Angus Mail
- Remove message based executor
- Remove some Flowable deprecated code
- CmmnRepositoryService#getDecisionTablesForCaseDefinition - use CmmnRepositoryService#getDecisionsForCaseDefinition instead
- RepositoryService#getDecisionTablesForProcessDefinition - use RepositoryService#getDecisionsForProcessDefinition instead
- HistoricCaseInstanceQuery#limitCaseVariables - no replacement it was a noop
- CaseInstanceQuery#limitCaseInstanceVariables - no replacement it was a noop
- HistoricProcessInstanceQuery#limitProcessInstanceVariables - no replacement it was a noop
- ProcessInstanceQuery#limitProcessInstanceVariables - no replacement it was a noop
- TaskInfoQuery#limitTaskVariables - no replacement it was a noop
- Removed query limit configurations from CmmnEngineConfiguration and ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl
- Removed HistoryManager#recordActivityEnd - no replacement, Flowable was never calling that method
- Removed org.flowable.engine.FlowableTaskAlreadyClaimedException - use org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableTaskAlreadyClaimedException instead
- Removed org.flowable.engine.cfg.MailServerInfo - use org.flowable.common.engine.impl.cfg.mail.MailServerInfo instead
- Removed org.flowable.http.HttpRequest - use org.flowable.http.common.api.HttpRequest instead
- Removed org.flowable.http.HttpResponse - use org.flowable.http.common.api.HttpResponse instead
- Removed org.flowable.http.delegate.HttpRequestHandler - use org.flowable.http.common.api.delegate.HttpRequest instead
- Removed org.flowable.http.delegate.HttpResponseHandler - use org.flowable.http.common.api.delegate.HttpResponse instead
- Removed org.flowable.identitylink.service.IdentityLinkType - use org.flowable.identitylink.api.IdentityLinkType instead
- Removed ManagedAsyncJobExecutor - configure the thread factory in the engine configuration
- Removed org.flowable.spring.SpringCallerRunsRejectedJobsHandler - use org.flowable.spring.job.service.SpringCallerRunsRejectedJobsHandler instead
- Removed org.flowable.spring.SpringRejectedJobsHandler - use org.flowable.spring.job.service.SpringRejectedJobsHandler instead
- Remove async history support. In case you were using async history, make sure that you have no async history jobs before starting the new version